Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

11/27/11 :: Advent: A Life-Changing Encounter


This sermon, delivered on the first Sunday of Advent in 2011, explores the themes of life-changing and life-challenging encounters, drawing parallels between the anticipation of significant life events, such as weddings or retirements, and the spiritual anticipation of Advent. The sermon emphasizes the presence of Christ in every aspect of our lives and in every person we encounter, challenging us to see and serve Christ in others.

11/26/11 :: Commitment in Marriage


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the depth of commitment in marriage, drawing parallels between the love shared by a couple and the love Christ has for his Church. He emphasizes the self-giving nature of love and its reflection in the marital bond. The sermon also explores the challenges and strengths discovered within a relationship, highlighting the importance of affirmation, healing, and making Christ present to one another.

11/20/11 :: Christ the King


In the sermon before Advent in 2011, Kevin reflects on the profound truth of Christian witness and the core message of love. He emphasizes the importance of moving beyond self-centered individualism towards a faith that focuses on God and our neighbors. The sermon also discusses the societal values that align with Christian teachings, advocating for an inclusive society that recognizes the divine image in every individual.

11/13/11 :: Understanding Prayer


Kevin's sermon on the 13th of November, 2011, delves into the nature of prayer, encouraging us to view God as a friend rather than a distant figure. He emphasizes the importance of communication in prayer, not just asking for things but also listening and understanding God's will. The sermon also touches on the significance of praying for others, including the new President and those affected by wars.

11/12/11 :: Love in Marriage


Kevin's sermon for the wedding of Iain and Denise focuses on the depth of commitment and self-giving love that marriage represents. Drawing from St. Paul's teachings, he reflects on how Christian love should manifest in the relationship, emphasizing patience, kindness, and perseverance. The sermon also highlights the importance of a strong marriage in overcoming difficulties and making Christ present to each other.

10/23/11 :: Journey of Faith and Presence


Kevin reflects on the journey of faith as a path guided by God's presence, drawing parallels between the Israelites' journey from Mount Sinai and our own spiritual journey. He emphasizes the importance of God's grace and the Holy Spirit in overcoming challenges and growing in likeness to Jesus Christ. The sermon encourages believers to be living signs of God's kingdom, embodying hope and purpose in the world.

10/6/11 :: Unity in Love and Faith


In the sermon for Sinead and Ron's wedding, Kevin speaks about the importance of commitment, faithfulness, and love that mirrors the bond between Christ and his Church. He reflects on the journey of the couple's relationship and the Christian dimension of their union. The sermon also touches on the symbolism of clothing in expressing one's nature and the spiritual attire of compassion, kindness, and love as described by St. Paul.

10/2/11 :: Harvest Thanksgiving 2011


This sermon, given on Harvest Thanksgiving 2011, emphasizes the importance of gratitude for the blessings of harvest and the earth's resources. It also highlights the need for care and concern for others, especially those in less fortunate circumstances. The sermon calls for action in contributing to emergency appeals and supporting fair trade.