Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

1/24/12 :: Remembering Harry Brooks


This sermon is a tribute to Mr. Harry Brooks, who passed away just short of his 85th birthday. It reflects on his life, his love for his family, and his passion for rugby. The sermon also discusses the concept of mortality and the hope of resurrection, drawing parallels with the life cycle of a seed.

1/22/12 :: The Transformation of Simon


This sermon explores the transformation of Simon into Peter, as told in the Gospel of Mark. It uses the metaphor of an egg hatching into a swan to illustrate the potential for change and growth within each individual. The sermon emphasizes that God sees beyond our external appearances and values the inherent goodness within us.

1/22/12 :: The Body of Christ


This sermon, delivered on the 3rd Sunday of Epiphany in 2012, discusses the diversity of the Church and the unique gifts each member brings. Using the analogy of the human body, it emphasizes the importance of each member's contribution to the well-being and functioning of the Church. It also reminds us that the Church exists not for its own benefit, but for the advancement of God's Kingdom.

12/25/11 :: Emmanuel, God with Us


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the concept of 'Emmanuel', meaning 'God with us', and how it resonates especially during the Christmas season. He discusses the idea of encountering God in others and allowing others to encounter God in us. Despite the challenges and uncertainties of the new year, he emphasizes the presence of God in our lives and the hope it brings.

12/25/11 :: The Fullness of Time


This sermon explores the concept of 'fullness' in the context of time, God, and spirituality. It delves into various biblical references that discuss the fullness of God, the fullness of time, and the fullness of our own spiritual journey. The sermon encourages us to seek and understand the 'fullness' in our own lives and in our relationship with God.

12/25/11 :: Everyday Story of Country Folk


The sermon discusses the Incarnation and its impact on everyday life. It emphasizes how God's divine intervention breaks through our daily routines, transforming ordinary lives into extraordinary ones. The sermon invites us to embark on a journey of faith, allowing Christ's teachings to influence every aspect of our lives.

12/18/11 :: The God Particle and the Incarnation


This sermon explores the intersection of scientific and religious truth, drawing parallels between the search for the Higgs Boson, or 'God Particle', and the Christian understanding of the Incarnation. The sermon emphasizes the radical message of Jesus, who challenges worldly power and calls for a more authentic way of living.

12/11/11 :: God is Good


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on a visit to an old lady named Sophie O'Neill, who despite her struggles, maintained a strong faith in God's goodness. He uses this story to illustrate the radical faith that can sustain us through life's challenges. He also emphasizes the call for Christians to offer hope, integrity, truth, and reconciliation in a troubled world.