Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

3/11/12 :: Letter of Christ


This sermon reflects on the life of St. Patrick and his spiritual awakening during his time as a slave. It emphasizes the concept of self-surrender and humility, drawing parallels to the teachings of Christ. The sermon concludes with a powerful prayer from the Methodist Covenant Service, expressing a commitment to selfless service and surrender to God's will.

3/4/12 :: Journey of Faith


This sermon is about the journey of faith, likening it to a physical journey through the city of Kathmandu. It discusses the challenges and uncertainties faced, but also the unexpected help and guidance received. The sermon emphasizes the importance of trust and perseverance, even when the path seems unclear.

2/26/12 :: The Image of Faith


Kevin reflects on the importance of engaging with the Scriptures, not just as stories to be heard, but as transformative teachings that shape our lives. He uses the analogy of becoming 'illustrators' of the stories we hear, embodying the teachings of Jesus in our daily lives. The sermon encourages us to be 'people of the Beatitudes', living expressions of Jesus' teachings, and to allow the Bible to resonate with and challenge our daily living.

2/22/12 :: Embracing Everlasting Life


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the importance of engaging with the Scriptures, not just reading them, but allowing them to read us. He emphasizes the significance of the Bible in our daily lives and how it can provide both encouragement and challenge. He invites the congregation to join him in shared reflection on the Scriptures during Lent.

2/19/12 :: Creation and Providence


This sermon discusses the religious perspective on creation and the purpose of mankind. It explores the idea of providence, God's continuing interest in the world, and how this is seen through the history of the Hebrew people. The sermon also addresses the problem of evil and suffering in the world, and how faith can be challenged and reaffirmed through these experiences.

2/19/12 :: Insight and Blindness


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of 'Transfiguration', drawing parallels between the biblical account and our own experiences of insight and blindness. He encourages the congregation to be beacons of hope and light in times of darkness and uncertainty, and calls on the Church to play a major role in society, particularly in challenging times.

2/12/12 :: Beyond Our Comfort Zones


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the importance of stepping out of our comfort zones and recognizing that our understanding of God is always partial. He emphasizes the need for openness, inclusiveness, and humility in our faith journey. He also explores the concept of the Church as the Body of Christ, where every part is valued and contributes to the whole.

2/12/12 :: The Universe and Us


This sermon focuses on our place in the universe and God's care for us. It explores the vastness of the universe, the beauty of life on Earth, and the intricate details of our own bodies. It emphasizes that not only does God create, but He also cares deeply for His creation, including us in all our goodness and badness.