Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

6/10/12 :: Encouragement in Faith: St. Barnabas


Kevin's sermon on St. Barnabas Day emphasizes the importance of encouragement within the Christian community. He reflects on the life of Barnabas, an early church figure known as the 'son of encouragement', and how his actions exemplify the supportive spirit that should permeate Christian fellowship. The sermon calls for emulation of Barnabas's example by offering comfort and challenging each other to live up to our Christian values.

6/3/12 :: The Unpredictable Trinity


Kevin reflects on the unpredictable nature of God's presence, drawing parallels between gardening and the divine. He discusses the Trinity, emphasizing the otherness of God and the limitations of human understanding. Through biblical examples, Kevin illustrates how God's presence is both undeniable and elusive, and how our attempts to define God often limit us rather than God.

5/28/12 :: Funeral of Mrs Joan Byrne


This sermon reflects on the life and passing of Mrs Joan Byrne, a dearly loved mother, grandmother, and friend. It discusses the Christian perspective on death, the hope in Christ, and the comfort found in faith during times of loss. The sermon also shares memories of Joan and highlights the support of her family.

5/27/12 :: Pentecost 2012


This sermon, delivered on Pentecost 2012, discusses the role of the Holy Spirit in the Christian faith. It emphasizes the Spirit's presence and activity in the world, enabling believers to become more like Jesus. The sermon also highlights the Spirit's role in inspiring and empowering dreamers and visionaries who challenge societal complacency and work towards change.

5/13/12 :: Remembering and Mission


The sermon reflects on the importance of remembering key moments in our lives, such as baptism and confirmation, as these are the moments when we choose to belong to Christ. It emphasizes that as followers of Christ, we are his body on earth, and it is our mission to act as his hands, feet, and eyes, showing compassion and doing good in the world.

4/29/12 :: Authority and Love


The sermon discusses the authority of Jesus and his disciples, and how it was challenged by the temple authorities. It highlights the importance of faith and love in the Christian life, and how these should be expressed not just in words, but in truth and action. The sermon ends with a call to be faithful instruments of God's love in the world.

4/22/12 :: Identity and Witness


In this sermon, Kevin Brew discusses the concept of identity and how it relates to our faith. He uses the story of Jesus appearing to his disciples after the resurrection to illustrate how our identity in Christ is not just about our physical characteristics, but also about our values and priorities. He emphasizes the importance of being witnesses of Christ's love and peace, and challenges us to shine as lights in the world.

4/15/12 :: Tradition and Change


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the evolving nature of tradition within the church, emphasizing that change is not for its own sake but to adapt to the times while upholding the Gospel's timeless truths. He discusses initiatives to engage youth and maintain church traditions, acknowledging the contributions of various community members in supporting the church's growth and fellowship.