Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

11/11/12 :: Remembrance and Memory


Kevin's sermon on Proper 27 in 2012 reflects on the act of remembering, particularly in the context of Remembrance Sunday. He draws parallels between personal memories of loss and the collective memory of war's cost. The sermon emphasizes the importance of recalling past sacrifices to shape a better future and connects this act of remembrance to the Christian practice of commemorating Jesus' life, death, and resurrection in weekly worship.

11/4/12 :: All Saints Day Reflection


Kevin's sermon on All Saints Day emphasizes the celebration of the 'foot soldiers' of the Church and the Christian understanding of sainthood. It reflects on the calling to discipleship in baptism and the hope found in the ultimate triumph of good over evil as depicted in the book of Revelation. The sermon also explores the presence of God in daily life and in times of pain, as illustrated by the story of Lazarus.

10/21/12 :: Voices of the Voiceless


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the theme of seeking position and power, drawing parallels between the Gospel narrative of James and John and contemporary societal issues. He emphasizes the importance of advocating for the voiceless in society, such as children, the elderly, and the vulnerable, especially in the face of economic challenges and budget cuts that affect the less fortunate.

10/14/12 :: Harvest of Faith in Trials


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the theme of suffering and God's presence during times of hardship, as illustrated by the story of Job. He emphasizes that meaning and purpose in life are found not in our own experiences but in God's life, particularly through the death and resurrection of Christ. The sermon reassures us that in our suffering, we are not alone; God understands our pain and is with us in our darkest moments.

9/30/12 :: Back to Church Sunday


Kevin's sermon on 'Back to Church Sunday' emphasizes the importance of community and belonging within the church family. He reflects on the diverse nature of families and the church, and the need for both young and old to support each other in faith. The sermon also includes a personal anecdote about the impact of a kind couple on Kevin's own journey back to church.

9/16/12 :: Crucial Questions of Faith


Kevin delves into the pivotal moment in St Mark's Gospel where Jesus asks his disciples, 'Who do people say that I am?' and 'Who do you say that I am?' This sermon explores the journey of faith, from acceptance of teachings to personal conviction. It emphasizes the evolving nature of faith, the importance of personal relationship with Jesus, and the paradox of finding freedom through accepting His authority.

9/2/12 :: Polarities and Unity


Kevin reflects on the societal tensions in Northern Ireland and the inherent instability of a polarised society. He discusses the growing divide between rich and poor following the Celtic Tiger's demise, and the challenges of power dynamics and inequality. The sermon draws from the Letter of James, urging a change in attitudes towards wealth and others, emphasizing the 'royal law' of loving one's neighbor as oneself.

9/2/12 :: Keeping Up Appearances


Kevin's sermon draws parallels between the sitcom 'Keeping Up Appearances' and the Gospel's message on authenticity in faith. He challenges the congregation to reflect on the facades they present to the world and the importance of being true to oneself before God. The sermon emphasizes the danger of hypocrisy and the need for a genuine relationship with God, beyond mere external rituals.