Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

5/12/13 :: The Ascension and Unity


This sermon discusses the concept of Ascension and the unity of the Church. It emphasizes the presence of Christ with us, not limited by time and space but present with us always and everywhere. The sermon also explores the relationships between Jesus, the Father, the disciples, and the world. It concludes with a call for unity in the Church and the importance of love, service, and reconciliation.

5/5/13 :: Unity in Christ


The sermon emphasizes the importance of unity and teamwork, drawing parallels between a football team and an orchestra. The message is about the relationship between Jesus and his disciples, and how this relationship should be mirrored in our interactions with each other. The sermon also highlights the importance of love, obedience, and mutual indwelling in our relationships.

4/28/13 :: Embracing Change


This sermon, delivered on the 5th Sunday of Easter in 2013, discusses the need for change and adaptation within the Church. It emphasizes the importance of inclusivity and love, drawing on the story of Peter's acceptance of Gentiles into the Church. The sermon also highlights the commandment of Jesus to love one another, urging the congregation to extend this love to all, including those on the fringes of society.

4/11/13 :: Celebrating Commitment and Love


In this sermon, Kevin speaks at the wedding of Clodagh McCartan and Glenn Watson, emphasizing the importance of commitment, faithfulness, and the love they have found in each other. He draws parallels between their bond and the love between Christ and his Church, urging them to clothe themselves in virtues like compassion, kindness, and patience. Kevin encourages the couple to live in harmony, support each other, and grow in love that reflects Christ's selfless love.

4/7/13 :: Belonging and Service


In this sermon, the Rector reflects on his time in Howth and the importance of a sense of belonging in Parish life. He discusses the development of youth work and the contributions of various youth workers. He concludes by announcing new appointments within the Parish.

3/31/13 :: Belonging and Fellowship


Kevin reflects on his 7th year at the Parish of Howth, emphasizing the sense of belonging and care within the community. He discusses the personal and parish developments, including family milestones, the building of a new Rectory, and the establishment of a Youth Worker post. Kevin also highlights the parish's social initiatives and expresses gratitude to various individuals for their contributions to the parish life.

3/29/13 :: The Victim


This sermon reflects on the different characters who participated in the first Holy Week, their hopes, ideas, and how Jesus related to them. It particularly focuses on Jesus' crucifixion, seen through the eyes of faith as God acting in power. The sermon emphasizes that 'It is finished' is not a cry of despair but a shout of triumph, signifying the completion of God's intended task.

3/28/13 :: Truth and Kingdoms


This sermon, given during Holy Week 2013, reflects on the character of Pilate and his interaction with Jesus. It explores the concept of truth as presented in the Gospel of John and how it relates to our understanding of Jesus. The sermon also discusses the intersection of the Kingdom of God and the world, and how the values of the world can impact the Church and individual Christians.