Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

6/23/13 :: Rediscovering Faith


Kevin reflects on the journey of faith, drawing parallels between the story of Elijah and the experiences of Bishop Richard Holloway. He explores the theme of feeling God's absence and the subsequent rediscovery of faith. The sermon emphasizes the presence of God even in times of doubt, encouraging believers to seek stillness to sense God's presence.

6/16/13 :: Witness and Forgiveness


Kevin discusses the importance of witness in the Christian faith, using the story of Elijah and the clash of cultures in the Old Testament as a backdrop. He emphasizes the need for Christians to live as disciples of Christ, bearing witness not only with words but also through their lives. The sermon also touches on the themes of inclusion, forgiveness, and self-awareness, contrasting the judgmental attitude of Simon the Pharisee with the welcoming and forgiving approach of Jesus.

6/9/13 :: Legacy of St Columba


Kevin reflects on the Feast of St Columba, emphasizing the importance of Christian witness and the legacy of evangelization by Irish monks. He draws parallels between the historical figures of St Columba, Rev George McLeod, and the Iona community's impact on justice, peace, and Celtic spirituality. The sermon calls on contemporary Christians to bear witness to Christ in their own time and place, inspired by the past but looking beyond to the wider world.

6/8/13 :: Value in God's Eyes


This sermon, delivered at the funeral of Mr Richard McIlhagga, emphasizes the inherent value of individuals in the eyes of God. It discusses how the world may judge people by their material possessions, but in God's eyes, each person is valuable and unique. The sermon concludes with a prayer for peace and comfort for the bereaved family.

6/2/13 :: Journey of Faith and Healing


Kevin reflects on the Old Testament stories of Elijah and Elisha, emphasizing God's presence in both grand and subtle ways. He draws parallels between these stories and the healing of the centurion's servant in the Gospel, highlighting the theme of journeying through life's challenges with faith. The sermon reassures us that God is present in our struggles, even when we feel alone, and encourages us to invite God into our journey.

5/26/13 :: Reflections on Trinity Sunday


On Trinity Sunday 2013, Kevin reflects on the relationship between God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and the world. He discusses the personal nature of God's wisdom and the importance of living in harmony with creation. The sermon emphasizes the need to respect nature as God's creation and to consider our environmental responsibilities.

5/19/13 :: Identity in Christ


This sermon, delivered on Pentecost 2013, explores the role of the Holy Spirit in helping us discover our true identity as children of God. It emphasizes that our ultimate identity lies not in our social status, nationality, or wealth, but in Christ. The sermon encourages us to reflect Christ in our lives, bearing witness to His death and resurrection.

5/15/13 :: Remembering Mrs Jean Wall


This sermon is a tribute to Mrs Jean Wall, delivered at her funeral. It highlights her strength, determination, and down-to-earth approach to life. It also acknowledges the support and sympathy offered to her family during this difficult time.