Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

9/8/13 :: God's Patience and Purpose


This sermon reflects on the image of a potter patiently working and reworking clay as a symbol of God's patience, power, and purpose. It explores the intertwining themes of God's commitment to us and our response to God, highlighting the sacrament of Baptism as a manifestation of this relationship. The sermon concludes with a call to live out our Baptismal call in daily life.

9/1/13 :: Marriage and Faithfulness


Kevin discusses the parallels between the marriage vows and God's unending faithfulness to humanity. He reflects on the marriage ceremony as a symbol of love, commitment, and the journey of life shared by a couple, drawing an analogy to the relationship between God and the community. The sermon also welcomes Linda Frost, who is beginning her final year of training for the ordained ministry, and emphasizes the importance of community support in her journey.

8/3/13 :: Funeral of Mr Gordon Burrows


This sermon is a tribute to Mr. Gordon Burrows, known to his family as Fred. It highlights his love for life, his courage in the face of adversity, and his unwavering faith. The sermon also offers comfort and hope to the grieving family, drawing on St. Paul's words and the Gospel of John.

7/28/13 :: Steadfast Love


The sermon discusses the concept of 'chesed' or steadfast love, as seen in the Old Testament and in the life of Jesus. It emphasizes God's unwavering love, even in the face of rejection and disobedience. The sermon encourages listeners to embody this steadfast love in their own lives.

7/28/13 :: Rooted in Christ


This sermon explores the concept of being 'rooted' in Christ and love. It draws parallels between physical roots and spiritual roots, discussing how negative roots can poison communities and individuals, and how the absence of roots can lead to a lack of stability. The sermon emphasizes the importance of establishing values and principles based on faith in Christ and love.

7/28/13 :: The Good Samaritan


This sermon is centered around the parable of the Good Samaritan from Luke 10:30-37. It challenges the listeners to measure their lives against the promises of baptism, using the metaphor of a plumbline. The sermon also presents a practical challenge, urging the listeners to live out their faith in their daily lives.

7/21/13 :: Balance in Life


This sermon, delivered on the 8th Sunday of Trinity in 2013, discusses the importance of balance in life, using the biblical story of Martha and Mary. The speaker emphasizes the need for both action and contemplation, warning against letting the urgent crowd out the important. The sermon also touches on the concept of Sabbath and its relevance in finding space in our busy lives.

6/30/13 :: The Power of Prayer


This sermon explores the concept of prayer as a form of communication and encounter with God. It discusses how prayer can be a source of comfort and understanding during times of despair and hardship. The sermon also emphasizes the importance of honesty and openness in prayer, and the transformative power it can have on individuals and communities.