Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

11/6/13 :: Arthur Wheeler's Funeral


This sermon was given at the funeral of Arthur Wheeler, a man of many accomplishments and a loving husband and father. Despite the darkness of Alzheimer's that had come over him, the sermon emphasizes the light of Christ that shines in even the darkest places of our human frailty. It speaks of hope for Arthur, that all his weakness and frailty are stripped away, swallowed up by life, and he is at peace.

11/2/13 :: Love and Commitment


In this sermon, Kevin speaks on the occasion of Sarah Bothwell and Michael Mowat's wedding, emphasizing the Christian principles of love and commitment. He reflects on the journey of the couple's relationship, the significance of their public declaration before God, and the parallels between their love and Christ's love for the Church. Kevin encourages the couple to embody the virtues of compassion, kindness, humility, and patience in their marriage, drawing from St. Paul's teachings.

10/24/13 :: Grace Devine's Funeral


This sermon is a tribute to Grace Devine, a woman who touched many lives in her 97 years. She was a teacher, a mother, and a woman of strong character. Despite her doubts about religion, she had a keen sense of right and wrong and a love for life.

10/13/13 :: Faith in Exile


Kevin's sermon reflects on the Jewish people's exile in Babylon and the timeless advice from Jeremiah to seek the welfare of the city. He draws parallels to the contributions of Desmond Tutu, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Martin Luther King in their fight for social justice and emphasizes the Christian duty to impact society positively through faith and action.

9/22/13 :: Restless Hearts in Faith


Kevin reflects on the Collect of the Day, drawing from St. Augustine's journey to faith and his famous words about our hearts being restless until they find rest in God. He also references Dr. Jonathan Sachs's work on interfaith dialogue and the contrast between the 'noise of now' and the 'music of eternity.' The sermon emphasizes the need for attentiveness to God's presence in our lives and the importance of seeking, asking, and knocking to find the peace and rest that only God can provide.

9/19/13 :: Memorial Service for Mrs Betty Tighe


This sermon is a memorial service for Mrs Betty Tighe, a beloved member of the community who passed away suddenly. The sermon is a celebration of her life, her love for her family, and her passion for golf. It also reflects on the preciousness of life and the importance of expressing love and not taking each other for granted.

9/15/13 :: Persistent Search for the Lost


This sermon, delivered by Kevin in 2013, discusses the theme of God's persistent search for the lost and His unwavering patience. Drawing from the Old Testament, Kevin explores the concept of 'remnant' and the idea of new beginnings arising from destruction. The sermon emphasizes God's desire not for the death of a sinner, but for their repentance and life.

9/8/13 :: The Potter's Lesson


In this sermon, Kevin draws parallels between a potter's work and God's relationship with us. He emphasizes that God, like a patient potter, shapes us into useful and beautiful beings, never giving up on us even when we go off course. He also highlights the importance of full commitment in our service to God, likening it to a man building a tower or a king planning a battle.