Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

6/13/21 :: The Essence of Church


Kevin reflects on the challenging times faced by the Confirmation Group due to Covid-19 and the innovative ways they adapted, including virtual classes. He emphasizes that the Church is not just a building but a community of people, each with their own importance. The sermon also serves as a farewell to Elke, who has been instrumental in fostering 'Fun, Fellowship, Faith' within the community.

6/7/21 :: Joy Smith's Funeral


This sermon is a tribute to Mrs. Joy Smith who passed away on 7th June 2021. The sermon reflects on her life, her devotion to her family and community, and her strong faith. The sermon also highlights her enduring spirit and her ability to find joy in caring for others.

6/6/21 :: Embracing Openness in Faith


Kevin discusses the joy and significance of baptism, using the occasion to explore the theme of radical openness in faith. He reflects on Jesus' teaching that receiving the kingdom of God requires a child-like trust and openness. Kevin shares a personal anecdote from his own journey of faith, highlighting the impact of a welcoming church community on spiritual growth and evangelism.

5/30/21 :: The Unpredictable Gift


Kevin reflects on the unpredictability of life and God's presence, drawing parallels between his gardening experiences and spiritual insights. He discusses the doctrine of the Trinity, the otherness of God, and the varied ways God reveals Himself, as seen through biblical testimonies. The sermon encourages openness to God's unique work in our lives and a dedication to His service.

5/30/21 :: Love and Commitment


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the essence of love and commitment in the context of marriage, drawing parallels between the bond of a couple and the relationship between Christ and his Church. He emphasizes the importance of self-giving love, as taught by St. Paul, and the qualities of patience, kindness, and perseverance that underpin a strong marriage. The sermon concludes with a prayer for the newlyweds, Beatriz and Ben, wishing them a life filled with unity, forgiveness, and joy.

5/23/21 :: Pentecost 2021: Opening Up


The sermon discusses the contrast between the Tower of Babel and Pentecost, representing the closing down and opening up of communication respectively. It reflects on the societal changes due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the challenges faced by the Church in adapting to these changes. The sermon emphasizes the need to continue engaging with the wider community, both in-person and online, and not simply revert to pre-pandemic practices.

5/16/21 :: Community and Change


This sermon discusses the changes brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, emphasizing the importance of community and adaptability. It highlights the lessons learned from the pandemic and the need to apply them as we move forward. The sermon also stresses the importance of waiting upon God and being open to His guidance.

5/14/21 :: Remembering Kay Bishop


This sermon was given at the funeral of Mrs. Kay Bishop, a beloved member of the parish. The speaker recalls Kay's warm welcome, her strong faith, and her resilience in the face of loss. The sermon invites everyone to remember Kay and give thanks for her life.