Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

12/29/13 :: God's Identification with Humanity


This sermon reflects on the message of Christmas, the identification of God with humanity through Jesus Christ. Drawing inspiration from Desmond Tutu and the teachings of the Bible, the sermon emphasizes the idea that God understands the human experience because He lived it through Jesus. It also highlights the challenges of living a Christian life in a world that often resists the message of Christ.

12/25/13 :: Light in the Darkness


This sermon, delivered on Christmas Day 2013, explores the theme of light overcoming darkness. Drawing on passages from John's Gospel and Matthew, it emphasizes the power of Jesus as the 'light of the world' and calls upon disciples to let their light shine before others. The sermon uses the imagery of the winter solstice and the stars to illustrate the enduring and far-reaching power of light.

12/22/13 :: Advent Waiting


This sermon explores the concept of waiting during the Advent season. It draws parallels between waiting for loved ones at the airport and waiting for God. The sermon emphasizes the presence of God with us, through the incarnation of Jesus, and encourages us to hold onto this truth in our lives.

12/1/13 :: Change in Allegiance


This sermon discusses the concept of change in allegiance, using the example of a football player's transfer to illustrate the point. It also touches on the spiritual transformation of St. Augustine, emphasizing the need for personal repentance and acceptance of Christ's authority. The sermon concludes with a call to reflection during the Advent season, in preparation for the celebration of Christmas.

11/24/13 :: The Image of His Father


This sermon explores the concept of Jesus as the 'image of the invisible God', drawing parallels between the familial resemblance between parents and children and the spiritual resemblance between God and Jesus. It emphasizes the humility and servitude of Jesus, who came not to be served, but to serve. The sermon concludes with an invitation to follow Jesus, the Servant King.

11/16/13 :: Memorial Service for Geoff Rowden


This sermon is a tribute to Geoff Rowden, a man who loved the outdoors and was deeply committed to issues of justice and care for those in need. The sermon reflects on Geoff's life, his love for his family, and his work with children and young people in care. It draws parallels between Geoff's values and the teachings of Jesus, particularly the parable of the sheep and the goats.

11/10/13 :: Chosen by God


Kevin reflects on the concept of being chosen, drawing parallels between the selection process in sports and God's selection of individuals. He emphasizes that everyone is special and has a purpose in God's eyes, using Paul's second letter to the Thessalonians and the call of Jeremiah as scriptural references. The sermon reassures that we are all chosen by God, and therefore, should be special to one another.

11/8/13 :: Love and Commitment


Kevin's sermon on the occasion of Niamh Ennis and George's wedding at Spanish Point emphasizes the Christian understanding of marriage as a public declaration of commitment, akin to Christ's bond with the Church. It reflects on the couple's journey from friendship to love and the importance of selfless love in marriage, drawing from Biblical teachings on love, patience, and forgiveness.