Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

2/16/14 :: How Big Is Your God?


In this sermon, Kevin explores the theme of 'How big is our God?' He reflects on the biblical stories of creation, covenant, and redemption, and how they reveal God's greatness and relevance in our lives. He encourages us to recognize God's presence in our daily lives and challenges, and to allow our faith to impact our decisions, attitudes, and relationships.

1/27/14 :: Funeral of Mrs Millie Brown


This sermon is a tribute to Mrs Millie Brown, a strong and compassionate woman who lived a full life and touched many others. Despite her physical decline in her later years, she remained a source of love and strength for her family. Her death, while a loss, is also seen as a release from her struggles.

1/26/14 :: Parish Review and Community Building


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the idea of a Parish Review and the importance of community building within the church. He highlights a recent successful event organized by the Women's Fellowship Group and uses it as an example of the potential of the parish community. The sermon also touches on the challenges faced by the church and the need for adaptability and inclusivity in worship and community life.

1/19/14 :: Seeking and Finding


In this sermon, Kevin explores the theme of seeking and finding in our spiritual journey. He discusses the resonance of familiar scripture passages and the questions Jesus asks of those who approach him. Drawing on the words of philosophers and theologians, he reflects on the human yearning for God and the restlessness of the heart until it finds rest in God.

1/9/14 :: Remembering Bill Webb


This sermon is a heartfelt tribute to Bill Webb, a beloved member of the parish who passed away. Kevin speaks of Bill's wisdom, insight, affection for the Parish, loyalty to former clergy, and his welcoming nature. He also highlights Bill's deep faith, his devotion to his family, and his contributions to the Church.

1/5/14 :: Light in the Darkness


In this sermon, Kevin uses the metaphor of fluorescent stars in the darkness to illustrate the theme of light in the Bible. He explores how light is not only a symbol of God's presence and guidance, but also a call for us to become channels of light ourselves. The sermon emphasizes the importance of receiving God's light in our lives and sharing it with others.

1/5/14 :: Being Different


This sermon, delivered on the first Sunday of Epiphany in 2014, discusses the concept of being different and standing out in a crowd. The sermon emphasizes the importance of choosing to follow Christ, which means dying to sin and rising to new life with him. It also highlights the concept of repentance, using the Greek word 'metanoia', which means to turn around, change direction, and take a different journey through life.

1/5/14 :: Moments of Epiphany


This sermon explores the concept of Epiphany, moments when God breaks through and seems very real. It discusses how God makes himself known through creation, how humans are created in God's image and are called to reveal God in their daily lives, and the mystery of the incarnation. It also touches on the vocation that flows from baptism.