Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

10/16/14 :: Joan Hutson's Funeral


This sermon was delivered at the funeral of Mrs Joan Hutson on 16th October 2014. It highlights Joan's vibrant life, her faith, and her love for gardening. The sermon draws parallels between the life cycle of a seed and human life, emphasizing the importance of faith and worship.

9/28/14 :: Heroes of Faith


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of heroes, not just for their accomplishments, but for their character. He highlights figures like Brian O'Driscoll and Katie Taylor, who exemplify determination and sportsmanship, serving as models to aspire to. The sermon also touches on reconciling faith with science, and the significance of the cross in Christian belief.

9/28/14 :: Reflections on Faith and Art


Kevin explores the role of stained glass and icons in learning and reflecting on faith, drawing parallels with the Christian call to be Christ-like in daily life. He discusses the power of art as a storytelling medium in times when literacy was rare, and the personal impact of visual aids in spiritual practice. Kevin also touches on the importance of embodying Christ's teachings in marriage and community, emphasizing the transformative potential of being Christ for one another.

9/27/14 :: Love and Commitment


In this sermon, Kevin speaks about the essence of marriage as witnessed in the union of Peter and Sharon. He reflects on the Christian perspective of love and commitment, drawing parallels between the love of Christ for the Church and the love shared between husband and wife. Through the metaphor of clothing, Kevin emphasizes the importance of spiritual virtues such as compassion, kindness, and patience in nurturing a strong, Christ-centered marriage.

9/21/14 :: Identity and Grace


Kevin discusses the intersection of politics, identity, and faith in the context of the Scottish Referendum and Paul's teachings to the Philippians. He explores the concept of grace as an undeserved gift that challenges our notions of fairness, especially in the Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard. The sermon emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and the dangers of judgment within the Christian community.

9/21/14 :: Ordination of Linda Frost


This sermon is about the ordination of Linda Frost to the priesthood. The sermon emphasizes the importance of service, faith, and dedication in the ministry. It also highlights the significance of personal faith and the need for spiritual nourishment and growth through prayer and scripture reading.

9/7/14 :: Love and Reconciliation


Kevin explores the contrast between contemporary employment disciplinary procedures and the teachings of Jesus on dealing with sin and wrongdoing. He emphasizes that God's love and compassion are inexhaustible, and that as followers of Christ, we are called to embody that same love, seeking reconciliation rather than dismissal. The sermon encourages us to be instruments of peace and to reflect God's redeeming love in all situations.

8/3/14 :: Struggle and Transformation


Kevin reflects on the historical significance of individuals and events that shape nations, drawing parallels to the biblical story of Jacob's struggle with God. He emphasizes the timeless nature of internal conflict and the potential for transformative experiences that align us with God's purpose. The sermon encourages self-examination and the pursuit of noble qualities in alignment with divine guidance.