Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

11/30/14 :: Advent: A Time of Waiting


This sermon contrasts the busyness of the Christmas season with the patience and attentiveness required during Advent. It emphasizes the importance of waiting, watching, and responding during this season. The sermon also draws parallels between the attentiveness required in parenting and the discernment needed in our spiritual lives.

11/30/14 :: Life Changing Encounters


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the concept of life-changing encounters, using the examples of a couple's journey through marriage and parenthood, and a couple's experience of retirement. He relates these experiences to the spiritual journey of Advent, emphasizing the transformative power of encountering Christ. He encourages the congregation to see Christ in themselves and others, and to let this encounter change their lives.

11/23/14 :: Reflections on Authority


Kevin reflects on his visit to Berlin and the lessons of history, contrasting the dark kingdoms of the past with the true Kingship of Christ. He draws parallels between the authority of oppressive regimes and the servant leadership exemplified by Jesus. The sermon culminates with the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, urging us to recognize Christ in serving the marginalized.

11/23/14 :: Holy Nation Covenant


Kevin's sermon reflects on the covenant between God and His people, emphasizing the themes of obedience, blessing, and being a holy nation. The sermon draws from various biblical texts to illustrate the idea that God's people are called to a special relationship with Him, marked by justice, kindness, and humility. The sermon also touches on the concept of being made in God's image and the responsibility that comes with it.

11/16/14 :: Treasures of Faith


Kevin reflects on the true treasures of the Church, drawing inspiration from the story of St. Lawrence and the parable of the Talents. He challenges us to consider what we treasure and how we utilize the gifts entrusted to us. The sermon emphasizes the importance of nurturing children in faith and recognizing each other as treasures within the parish community.

11/1/14 :: All Saints' Reflection


Kevin's sermon on All Saints' Day reflects on the true meaning of sainthood, emphasizing that it is not about perfection but about God's claim on individuals who follow Jesus. He encourages the congregation to recognize the value of every person as made in God's image, and to celebrate the faithfulness of God towards those who are faithful to Him. The sermon concludes with a reminder of God's broad love and mercy, as expressed in a hymn.

10/26/14 :: Journey of Holiness


This sermon explores the journey of man from his origins, as depicted in the Old Testament. It emphasizes the concept of holiness as an attribute of God and the call to holiness for mankind. The sermon also highlights the timeless nature of God's presence with his people through all stages of life and calls for justice, hope, and reconciliation in individual and community life.

10/19/14 :: Render to God and Caesar


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the teaching of Jesus about the dual responsibilities to secular and divine authorities. Using the metaphor of Roman coins, he explains that while we must fulfill our civic duties, our true image and allegiance belong to God. We are called to love and serve God and others, reflecting Jesus' love and sacrifice.