Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

1/12/15 :: Funeral of Mrs Madge O'Neill


This sermon was delivered on the occasion of the funeral of Mrs Madge O'Neill, a beloved member of the Howth community. The sermon reflects on her life, her contributions to the community, her faith, and her family. The sermon also addresses the challenges of aging and dementia, and offers a message of hope and immortality.

1/4/15 :: Epiphany 2015


The sermon discusses the significance of the Epiphany, the visit of the Magi, and the paradoxes of Christmas. It emphasizes the journey of faith, the impact of Jesus' teachings, and the importance of recognizing Jesus in our lives and in others. The sermon concludes with the challenge of allowing God's authority in our lives, thereby reflecting the life and love of Jesus Christ in the world.

1/4/15 :: Light Overcomes Darkness


In this sermon, Kevin explores the power of light, both literal and metaphorical, in overcoming darkness. Drawing from Psalm 29, Genesis, and the Gospel of Mark, he reflects on the creative and enduring power of light. The sermon also addresses the tragic events in Paris, urging listeners to uphold their values in the face of violence and injustice.

12/28/14 :: Holy Innocents - 2014


This sermon, delivered on the Feast of the Holy Innocents in 2014, reflects on the human nature of Jesus Christ and his identification with humanity. Drawing from a sermon by Desmond Tutu, it emphasizes the message of God's understanding of human frailty and his promise to redeem. The sermon also discusses the story of the slaughter of the innocents, reminding us of the world's distance from God and the resistance to the message of Christ in the corridors of power.

12/27/14 :: Memorial Service for Jim and Eva Smith


This sermon is a memorial service for Jim and Eva Smith, long-time members of the parish. It reflects on their contributions to the community and their devotion to each other. The sermon also discusses the grief of loss and the Christian faith's perspective on death and eternal life.

12/25/14 :: Light Overcomes Darkness


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the year 2014, filled with anniversaries of wars and atrocities, and finds hope in the enduring light of Christ. He draws upon historical events and personal experiences to illustrate the power of faith and love in the face of darkness. He encourages his congregation to be bearers of this light, to transform their own situations of darkness, and to let their good works shine before others.

12/21/14 :: Advent 4 2014 - Year B


This sermon discusses the theme of broken and mended relationships, both human and divine. It explores the concept of God as a father figure who engages personally with his people, not as a distant entity. The sermon emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation, drawing parallels between personal relationships and the relationship between God and his people.

12/14/14 :: Advent 3 - Year B


This sermon reflects on the unwavering faith of an old lady named Sophie O'Neill, who despite her struggles, believed in the goodness of God. It emphasizes the call to give thanks in all circumstances, and the role of followers of Christ as heralds of hope, integrity, and reconciliation in a troubled world.