Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

2/22/15 :: Breaking Through Barriers


Kevin reflects on Lent as a time not just for giving up things, but for introspection and creating space in our lives. He emphasizes the importance of meditation, generosity, and new beginnings. The sermon draws connections between the tearing of the heavens during Jesus' baptism and the tearing of the Temple veil, symbolizing the breaking down of barriers between God and humanity. Kevin encourages us to be instruments of peace and to break down barriers in our own lives, following the example of Jesus.

2/11/15 :: Remembering Florrie Rowden


This sermon was delivered at the funeral of Mrs Florrie Rowden on 11th February 2015. It reflects on Florrie's life, her warmth and positivity despite personal challenges, and her deep connection to her family and community. The sermon also offers comfort and hope to those mourning her loss, drawing on biblical passages to affirm the resurrection hope.

2/8/15 :: Wonderful World


In this sermon, Kevin speaks about the beauty of the world we live in and how we often overlook it due to our busy lives. He emphasizes that we are all unique creations of God and that we are all made in God's image. He encourages us to appreciate and marvel at God's creation and to understand our purpose in life as God's children.

2/8/15 :: Purpose and Providence


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of God's purpose in creation and the idea of providence. He addresses the problem of evil and suffering in the world, and how these challenges can be faced with faith. The sermon emphasizes on the power of resurrection and the peace that comes from God's solidarity in suffering.

2/6/15 :: Farewell to Bud Bryce


This sermon is a tribute to Bud Bryce, a man of principle, a loving family man, and a passionate pilot and sailor. Despite his declining health, Bud lived life to the fullest, always grateful for the blessings life had brought him. The sermon also reflects on the Christian understanding of death and the hope of eternal life.

1/25/15 :: Emerging Into Light


This sermon, delivered on the 3rd Sunday of Epiphany in 2015, discusses the transformation of Simon into Peter as per the teachings of Jesus. It draws a parallel between this transformation and the metamorphosis of a moth, emphasizing the idea that there is something divine in each one of us, waiting to emerge. The sermon also touches upon the importance of names and the significance of their change in biblical times.

1/18/15 :: Following in the Footsteps of Jesus


This sermon from 2015 discusses the concept of discipleship and what it means to follow Jesus. Drawing parallels between the biblical disciples and modern day followers, the sermon emphasizes that Jesus is not looking for casual followers but for committed disciples who are willing to leave everything behind. The sermon also contrasts the idea of following Jesus with following someone on social media, highlighting the depth and commitment required in discipleship.

1/18/15 :: Openness to Truth


Kevin delivers a sermon on the 2nd Sunday of Epiphany, Year B, 2015, focusing on the themes of openness to truth and recognizing personal biases. He uses the story of the blind men and the elephant to illustrate the importance of being receptive to different perspectives. He also discusses the significance of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and the need for ecumenism.