Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

5/3/15 :: Breaking Barriers


In this sermon, Kevin talks about the importance of breaking down barriers and accepting each other in our differences. He uses stories from the Bible to illustrate how barriers of race, prejudice, and hostility were broken down through the teachings of Christ. He emphasizes that nothing in our past excludes us from the invitation of the crucified and risen Christ, and encourages us to leave our prejudices and past mistakes at the foot of the cross.

4/26/15 :: The Good Shepherd


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of Jesus as the Good Shepherd. He discusses the relationship between a shepherd and his flock, drawing parallels to Jesus' relationship with his followers. Kevin also touches on the themes of love, forgiveness, and God's constant vigilance over his flock, using the parable of the Prodigal Son as an illustration.

4/19/15 :: Children of God


In this sermon, Kevin Brew discusses the concept of identity, particularly as it relates to being a child of God. He emphasizes that our fundamental identity as God's children is unchangeable and pre-dates all other identities we may have. He also highlights that our Christian life is a continual response to this identity.

4/7/15 :: Funeral of Hazel Ranken


This sermon was delivered during the funeral of Hazel Ranken, a caring individual who lived her life serving others. Despite her struggles with MS and cancer, Hazel's life was a testament to the inherent value of each individual. The sermon emphasizes the Christian belief in the inherent value of each individual in the sight of God, regardless of the world's judgement.

4/5/15 :: Easter Day 2015


In this sermon, Kevin recounts a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and relates it to the experience of Mary Magdalene on the first Easter Day. He emphasizes the transformative power of Jesus, as seen in Mary's life. The sermon also discusses the disciples' failures and Jesus' forgiveness, leading to the spread of the Gospel.

4/5/15 :: Reflections and Transitions


Kevin reflects on his ten years as Rector, noting societal changes and the impact of the economic collapse on the parish community. He discusses the development of youth projects, family services, and the challenges of transitioning to new leadership. The sermon emphasizes embracing change while honoring the past, and the importance of a strong, confident community in worship and service.

4/5/15 :: Transition and Engagement


The Rector's address at the Easter Vestry 2015 reflected on the Parish's period of transition as it approached its 150th anniversary. He acknowledged the loss of faithful members and a decline in attendance and income. However, he highlighted the strength of the Youth Worker Programme and the reintroduction of the Sunday School. He emphasized the importance of younger families engaging in parish roles and concluded by appointing new wardens for the year.

4/3/15 :: Good Friday 2015


This sermon reflects on the significance of Good Friday, the day Jesus Christ was crucified. It explores the eternal significance of the Cross, the pain and loneliness Jesus experienced, and the ultimate triumph of his sacrifice. It emphasizes the personal relevance of the Cross, urging believers to see Jesus' sacrifice as not just a general act, but one that was done for each individual.