Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

8/23/15 :: The Challenge of Discipleship


Kevin reflects on the reasons why people might give up on Jesus, drawing from the Gospel of John 6:66. He discusses the high demands of discipleship, the negative influence of other Christians' attitudes, and personal crises that test faith. The sermon emphasizes the importance of community support and the understanding that walking with God is not a solitary struggle but a journey with divine assistance.

8/16/15 :: The Living Bread


Kevin explores the concept of Jesus as the 'bread of life' and the personal nature of spiritual nourishment. Using the metaphor of choosing a meal, he discusses the significance of the Holy Communion and the act of eating as a personal and intimate act of faith. The sermon reflects on the figurative language used by Jesus and the deeper meaning of the communion as a remembrance of Christ's sacrifice.

8/9/15 :: Baptism and New Life


Kevin discusses the significance of baptism as a symbol of death to sin and rising to new life in Christ. He reflects on the ongoing process of transformation, letting go of the past, and embracing the future with trust in God. The sermon also explores the themes of service, communion, and the intimate relationship with Christ through the Eucharist.

8/2/15 :: Harvest of Compassion


Kevin's sermon focuses on the biblical call to care for the marginalized, drawing from Leviticus 19 and Deuteronomy 24, which instruct the faithful to leave the edges of their harvest for the poor and the alien. He emphasizes the importance of remembering one's own past hardships to foster empathy and kindness towards others. The sermon also touches on the unity in Christ, as expressed in Galatians 3, and the sanctity of the Sabbath from Exodus 20.

8/2/15 :: The Bread of Life


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the significance of baptism and Christian discipleship, drawing from the Gospel reading of John chapter 6. He emphasizes the importance of prioritizing what God wants over personal desires, using the metaphor of nourishment and growth. The sermon calls for a journey of sanctification, growing into Christ and finding our true selves in God's image.

7/26/15 :: Identity in Christ


Kevin's sermon on Proper 12, Year B, reflects on the theme of identity through the lens of Christian faith. He discusses the significance of baptism in understanding one's identity in relation to family lineage and the broader Christian community. Using the metaphor of the Body of Christ, he emphasizes our role as Christ's representatives on earth, inspired by the words of Teresa of Avila.

7/19/15 :: Seeking Solace in Sorrow


In the wake of a tragic balcony collapse in Berkley, Kevin reflects on the role of the Church in providing comfort during times of sorrow. He discusses the deep connection people feel with the Church during crises, despite a growing distance in daily life. The sermon emphasizes the Church's duty to be open and welcoming, to be the hands and feet of Christ to those in pain, and to offer a place where life's hardest questions can be asked and shared.

7/19/15 :: Identity and Community


Kevin discusses the importance of identity and community through the lens of biblical history and the story of David. He emphasizes that the Church is not just a building, but the community that gathers within it. The sermon reflects on the significance of buildings and how they can either distort or enhance our spiritual journey, urging the congregation to focus on faithfulness to God rather than the physical structures.