Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

9/27/15 :: Inclusion and Generosity


Kevin's sermon reflects on the importance of recognizing God in every human being, drawing from a powerful example of a church window in Krakow depicting God with the face of a local beggar. He emphasizes Jesus' teachings on inclusion, as seen in the Gospel of Mark, where Jesus counters attempts to exclude with statements of inclusion. The sermon challenges us to be inclusive and generous, to look beyond boundaries and hierarchies, and to see the face of God in the poor and dispossessed.

9/26/15 :: Love and Commitment


Kevin's sermon on the occasion of Vicky Reilly and Garry Millar's wedding emphasizes the Christian understanding of marriage as a reflection of Christ's love for the Church. He discusses the importance of commitment, faithfulness, and self-giving love, drawing parallels between the couple's union and the spiritual teachings of St. Paul on love and harmony.

9/21/15 :: Journey with God


This sermon is a tribute to Mr. Cecil Jermyn, a man of faith, love, endurance, and gentleness. It celebrates his life journey, his faithfulness, and his courage in the face of life's challenges. The sermon also reflects on the hope and peace offered by Christian faith in the face of death.

9/20/15 :: Wisdom and Understanding


Kevin reflects on the true meaning of wisdom through the story of Lilly Leggett, a woman of profound insight and caring nature. He contrasts worldly wisdom with the wisdom of God, as taught by James and exemplified by Jesus' teachings. The sermon calls for a discipleship that embraces a new way of living, serving, and understanding, following the example of Jesus who reached out to the marginalized and taught his followers to do the same.

9/13/15 :: Who Am I?


Kevin explores the question 'Who do you say that I am?' through the lens of personal inspiration and influence. He compares admiration of public figures to the deeper, more personal impact of family and individuals who shape our lives. Ultimately, he points to Jesus as the Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection bring us closest to encountering God himself.

9/13/15 :: Reflections on Peter


Kevin discusses the duality of the Apostle Peter's character, highlighting his moments of insight, courage, and failure. He emphasizes that failure is not the end but a part of our human experience. Through Peter's story, Kevin illustrates the power of forgiveness and reconciliation in our relationship with God and each other, and how our weaknesses can become strengths in service.

9/6/15 :: Unity in Faith and Charity


Kevin's sermon emphasizes the common dignity and unity of all people before God, regardless of social status. He draws from the Book of Proverbs and the teachings of St. Paul to highlight the Christian value of treating everyone as equals in Christ. The sermon also addresses the refugee crisis, urging the congregation to remember their own history of exile and to respond with compassion and practical support to those in need.

8/30/15 :: Reflections on Divine Courtship


Kevin explores the theme of divine love and courtship as presented in the Song of Solomon and the Book of Proverbs. He emphasizes the tenderness, faithfulness, and loyalty that characterize a maturing love, drawing parallels between human relationships and the relationship between God and His people. The sermon encourages a response to God's love that allows for transformation and a new way of life reflecting God's love.