Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

11/22/15 :: Truth Amidst Turmoil


In the sermon delivered on the Sunday before Advent in 2015, Kevin reflects on the recent terrorist attacks in Paris and the broader context of violence in the name of faith. He explores the role of sacred texts in shaping values and responding to contemporary challenges. Kevin emphasizes the importance of listening to the teachings of Jesus, especially in the face of adversity, and calls for maintaining values of justice, tolerance, freedom, and reconciliation.

11/22/15 :: Reflections on Paris Attacks


This sermon reflects on the horrific Paris attacks, questioning where God is in such tragedies and how faith can respond. It emphasizes that God is not the instrument of evil but is present with those facing it. The sermon also discusses the misuse of faith to justify evil deeds and the importance of supporting moderate voices within Islam.

11/15/15 :: Faith Amidst Tragedy


In the aftermath of the Paris attacks, Kevin reflects on the presence of God in the face of evil. He challenges the notion that such events are part of God's plan, instead emphasizing God's companionship in suffering. Drawing from Dr. Jonathan Sacks's writings and the President's poem, he calls for support of moderate voices within Islam and for unity in working towards peace and justice.

11/15/15 :: Mount of Olives Teachings


Kevin's sermon reflects on the significance of the Mount of Olives in the life and teachings of Jesus. It explores various biblical passages where the Mount of Olives serves as a backdrop for key events and parables, emphasizing its role in prophecy and as a place of teaching and reflection.

11/8/15 :: Gifts of Faith and Love


Kevin reflects on the importance of the spirit in which we give, rather than the amount. He shares a touching story of 'Bert', who despite his own hardships, gave his Christmas disability bonus to those in need. The sermon emphasizes that our offerings, whether they be money, time, or compassion, are valuable to God and can make a significant difference in the lives of others.

11/8/15 :: Sacrifice and Self-Giving


Kevin reflects on the nature of sacrificial giving, drawing from a personal experience with a parishioner's selfless donation. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing and valuing the sacrifices of others, whether in personal relationships, community service, or in remembrance of those who have served and sacrificed for the greater good. The sermon calls for a Christian response that embodies the self-emptying love of Christ, urging us to live in a way that honors the sacrifices made by others.

10/18/15 :: Finding God in Suffering


In the wake of tragedies, Kevin reflects on the presence of God during times of suffering. Drawing from the book of Job and personal stories, he emphasizes the importance of seeking God's presence rather than explanations. He highlights the Christian belief that meaning is found in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, and the comfort of approaching God with our pain.

10/4/15 :: Companionship and Faith


Kevin explores the essence of companionship and its relation to faith. He reflects on the importance of humor, trust, and the ability to be oneself in friendships and life partnerships. The sermon also delves into the concept of Jesus as a companion on life's journey, emphasizing the humanity of Jesus and his understanding of our experiences. Through the sacrament of Baptism, Kevin reminds us that we are not alone on this journey, as Jesus is with us in our trials and choices.