Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

12/20/15 :: The God of New Beginnings


This sermon reflects on the significance of small beginnings and the radical message of the Magnificat. It speaks of the new beginnings prophesied by Micah, and the radical reversal of societal norms as expressed in Mary's song. It also emphasizes the call to a new way of living in the world, as exemplified by Jesus.

12/13/15 :: The Lord is Near


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of God's nearness, drawing on references from literature and a prayer of blessing. He challenges the audience to consider their understanding of God and His presence in their lives. The sermon emphasizes the comforting and understanding nature of God, encouraging the audience to bring their anxieties and concerns to Him.

12/11/15 :: Remembering Gwen Holmes


This sermon is a tribute to Gwen Holmes, who passed away suddenly. Gwen was a cherished member of the parish, known for her love of music, family, and faith. Despite the loss of her husband, Peter, Gwen remained active and independent, continuing to participate in church activities and travel. The sermon emphasizes the enduring hope found in faith and the comfort of memories.

12/6/15 :: Work in Progress


This sermon, delivered on the second Sunday of Advent in 2015, explores the theme of life as a 'work in progress' under God's guidance. Drawing on the words of Philippians 1:6, the sermon underscores the continuous nature of our spiritual journey, likening it to a sacrificial offering in progress. It emphasizes that God is present at every stage of this journey, guiding us towards becoming more like Him.

12/5/15 :: Harmony of Love


Kevin's sermon on the occasion of Jennifer Guinness and Alex Booth's wedding emphasizes the harmony and unity found in love. He reflects on the couple's journey together, their shared interests, and the way their individual lives have intertwined to create a richer whole. The sermon draws on passages from Ecclesiastes and Corinthians, highlighting the rhythms of life and the qualities of love that endure through all things.

11/29/15 :: Jesus, the Light of the World


In this sermon, Kevin uses the metaphor of a mirror reflecting light to explain the role of Jesus as the light of the world. He emphasizes the importance of keeping our faces turned towards Jesus and not letting anything come between us and Him. This way, we can reflect His light to the entire world.

11/29/15 :: Advent 1 - Year C


This sermon, delivered on the first Sunday of Advent in 2015, discusses the sacrament of Baptism, the journey of faith, and the anticipation of the coming of Christ. It emphasizes the role of John the Baptist in preparing the way for the Kingdom of God and the importance of the Church in expressing the values of reconciliation, justice, and compassion. The sermon also explores the concept of Jesus as both the companion and the destination on the journey of faith.

11/24/15 :: Remembering Vera Poole


This sermon, delivered at the funeral of Mrs. Vera Poole, reflects on her life, her faith, and the impact she had on her community. The sermon emphasizes the importance of faith in life and how it brings peace and contentment. It also encourages the congregation to reflect on their own spiritual lives and relationships with God.