Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

3/27/16 :: Journey of Faith


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the concept of faith as a journey, emphasizing that it is not an isolated experience but one that is shared in fellowship with others. He explores the different stages of this journey, acknowledging the presence of doubt and uncertainty. The sermon highlights the story of Thomas, who despite his doubts and uncertainties, remained part of the group, illustrating the importance of support and acceptance in the faith community.

3/27/16 :: Easter Day 2016


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the Easter story, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and its significance in the world today. He emphasizes the triumph of life and light over death and darkness, drawing parallels with current events such as the centenary of the Easter Rising and the attacks in Brussels. He encourages listeners to shine as lights in their communities and to reach out in compassion and understanding.

3/20/16 :: Palm Sunday - Family Service 2016


This sermon reflects on the events of Palm Sunday and Holy Week, drawing parallels between the historical events and our modern lives. It emphasizes the importance of selflessness and love, as exemplified by Jesus. The sermon also discusses the power of the word 'I' and how it can be used both positively and negatively, urging us to 'cross out' the 'I' in our lives, symbolizing selflessness and humility.

3/20/16 :: Journey of Covenant


This sermon discusses the theme of 'Covenant' that has been followed throughout the Lent season. It explores the relationship between God and man, the promises and commitments made, and the recurring theme of failure and reconciliation. The sermon also highlights the journey of the people in and out of promise, and the enduring hope rooted in the belief that God is with his people, even in his apparent absence.

3/20/16 :: Elsie Curry's Funeral


This sermon was delivered at the funeral of Elsie Curry on 20th March 2016. It recounts the life of Elsie and her twin sister Doris, their contribution to the community, and their unwavering faith. The sermon also reflects on the acceptance of mortality and the Christian belief in eternal life.

3/6/16 :: Mothering Sunday


This sermon, delivered on the 4th Sunday of Lent, also known as Mothering Sunday, explores the feminine aspects of God's love. Drawing from personal experiences and biblical references, the sermon emphasizes the nurturing, understanding, and unending love of God, likened to a mother's love for her child.

2/28/16 :: The God of Second Chances


In this sermon, Kevin uses the metaphor of a gardener and a fig tree to illustrate God's patience and willingness to give second chances. He emphasizes that God sees potential in us, even when we fail to see it in ourselves. He also highlights the importance of the concept of Covenant in the Old Testament, and how it signifies God's enduring invitation for us to return to Him, despite our repeated failures.

2/21/16 :: Covenant and Community


Kevin explores the theme of Covenant within the community during Lent, emphasizing the importance of relationships and reconciliation. He reflects on the Old Testament stories of sibling rivalries and their resolutions, drawing parallels to the need for reconciliation within the Christian community. The sermon concludes with a call to embody the peace and love of Christ in our daily lives, inspired by the prayer of St. Francis.