Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

11/13/16 :: Uncharted Territory


This sermon, delivered on the 2nd Sunday before Advent in 2016, reflects on the election of Donald Trump and the uncertainties that come with it. It draws parallels with other historical events and emphasizes the importance of faith and hope in times of change and uncertainty. The sermon also highlights the significance of Remembrance Sunday and the enduring power of God's purposes.

10/13/16 :: Reflections on Parish Anniversaries


Kevin reflects on the dual anniversary of the Parish of Howth, marking 200 years since the old church and 150 years of the new church. He emphasizes the importance of embracing change while honoring the past, and addresses the challenges of declining attendance and financial contributions. He calls for unity and innovation in the face of necessary maintenance and the intimate nature of upcoming worship during church repairs.

10/9/16 :: Gratitude with Grace


Kevin's sermon reflects on the Gospel account of the healing of ten lepers, emphasizing the transformative power of gratitude. He draws connections between the act of thanksgiving and the Eucharist, highlighting how true thankfulness can bridge the distances of exclusion, alienation, and fear. The sermon concludes with a call to live out our gratitude in concern for others, embodying Christ's risen life in service to the world.

10/1/16 :: Remembering Paul Kavanagh


This sermon was given at the funeral of Paul Kavanagh, a beloved member of the community who passed away suddenly. It reflects on Paul's life, his passions, and the impact he had on those around him. The sermon also offers words of comfort and hope, reminding us of the Christian belief in life triumphant over death.

9/25/16 :: Positivity and Faithfulness


Kevin discusses the importance of positivity beyond mere optimism, using the example of Jeremiah buying land during Jerusalem's siege as a sign of faith in God's promises. He emphasizes that God's work is carried out through the faithfulness of ordinary people, and that the values of God's Kingdom—justice, peace, and joy—must be evident in our lives to effect change in the world.

9/18/16 :: The Heart of God Revealed


Kevin's sermon explores the deep connection between God's love and judgement through the lens of the prophet Jeremiah. It highlights how God's chastening is an expression of His love, akin to a parent's concern for their child. The sermon emphasizes the recurring theme of redemption in the Bible, where God's people are given new beginnings despite their disobedience, culminating in the ultimate act of love and redemption through Jesus Christ.

9/11/16 :: The Lost and Found


Kevin reflects on the anxiety of losing important items like keys and phones, drawing parallels to the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin. He emphasizes the value and urgency of the search, relating it to God's relentless pursuit of us. The sermon concludes with the message that God's love never gives up on us, and we should respond to that love by caring for one another.

8/7/16 :: Crisis and Redemption


Kevin's sermon reflects on the historical crises faced by Jerusalem, drawing parallels with personal and communal crises of faith and society. He emphasizes the intertwined nature of judgment and redemption in the biblical narrative, and the constant opportunity for new beginnings offered by God. The core message is about living in accordance with God's covenant, seeking justice, and embracing God's mercy and grace for a life of faithfulness.