Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

12/25/16 :: Christmas Day 2016


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the eventful year of 2016, highlighting the rise of populism and the increase in hate crimes. He draws parallels between these modern issues and the story of Jesus, who was an outsider in his own world. Kevin emphasizes Jesus' teachings of love and acceptance, urging his listeners to reach out to those on the edge and break down barriers of class, creed, race, and difference.

12/11/16 :: Advent 3 - Year A - 2016


This sermon discusses the period of Advent and the ministry of John the Baptist. It explores the doubt John the Baptist may have felt while in prison, questioning if he had pointed his followers to the right person, Jesus. The sermon also delves into the issue of doubt in our own walk with God, and how turning to the Psalms can help make sense of the suffering in the world.

12/11/16 :: Love and Marriage


The sermon for the wedding of John Robinson and Kim Sargent in December 2016 emphasizes the depth of commitment and love in marriage, drawing parallels between the love shared by a couple and the love Christ has for his Church. It reflects on the teachings of St. Paul on love's enduring qualities and the role of Christian love in overcoming challenges within marriage. The core message is that marital love should mirror the self-giving love of Christ, fostering unity, forgiveness, and joy.

12/4/16 :: Dreams into Reality


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of 'Wouldn't it be nice if...?' and how it can be transformed into reality. He uses examples from everyday life, city planning, and the peace process in Northern Ireland to illustrate his point. He also discusses the biblical teachings of Isaiah and the ministry of John the Baptist, emphasizing the importance of repentance and change in direction to bring about new possibilities.

11/27/16 :: Advent 1 - Year A


This sermon reflects on the first Sunday of Advent, a time of preparation and anticipation in the Christian calendar. It draws parallels between the American Festival of Thanksgiving and the Christian story, emphasizing the importance of making these stories our own. The sermon also explores the concept of humanity being created in the image of God, and our calling to be active participants in Christ's story.

11/27/16 :: Putting on Christ


This sermon focuses on the Romans passage and develops the theme of 'putting on Christ'. The core message is about being recognized for what we are, a follower of Jesus.

11/20/16 :: Image of the Father


The sermon reflects on the resemblance between children and their parents, drawing parallels to Jesus being the 'image of the invisible God'. The speaker emphasizes the mystery of the incarnation, the humility of God in the person of Jesus, and the sacrificial nature of Jesus' love. The sermon concludes with an invitation to follow Jesus, the Servant King.

11/20/16 :: The Mystery of Faith


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of 'mystery' in the context of faith, drawing from various passages in the New Testament. He discusses how these mysteries, such as the mystery of lawlessness and the mystery of the gospel, are revealed to believers. The sermon emphasizes the importance of understanding and holding fast to these mysteries with a clear conscience.