Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

4/16/17 :: The Road to Emmaus


This sermon explores the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus on the first Easter Day. It discusses their initial confusion and despair, and how their encounter with the risen Jesus, initially unrecognized, brings them comfort and understanding. The sermon emphasizes the importance of honesty with God in times of pain and confusion.

4/14/17 :: Suffering and God's Love


This sermon explores the question of where God is in the midst of suffering. Drawing from the experiences of the world and personal stories, it emphasizes the deep love of God that is present even in times of great pain and loss. The sermon also highlights the power of faith and hope in overcoming despair.

4/13/17 :: Holy Week Reflection


This sermon reflects on the significance of Jesus washing the disciples' feet during Holy Week. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and accepting the grace of Jesus' actions, and the call to follow his example of selfless service. The sermon also highlights the eternal significance of these events, not just as historical occurrences, but as cornerstones of Christian faith.

4/2/17 :: Raising of Lazarus


This sermon is about the story of Lazarus, a man who was raised from the dead by Jesus. The sermon explores the themes of love, death, and resurrection, and how these themes relate to our own lives. It suggests that Jesus' love for Lazarus, and his power to bring him back to life, is a metaphor for the spiritual resurrection that we can all experience.

3/19/17 :: Exiles and the Gospel


This sermon, delivered on the Sunday closest to St Patrick's Day in 2017, reflects on the theme of exile, drawing parallels between St Patrick's life and the story of the woman at the well. It also touches on contemporary issues such as human trafficking, societal ostracization, and the treatment of refugees.

3/12/17 :: Born of the Spirit


In this family service for the second Sunday of Lent, Kevin explores the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus, emphasizing the concept of being 'born again' and the significance of the Holy Spirit. He reflects on the importance of personal relationships with God, symbolized by the prayer of Confirmation. The sermon also touches on understanding Jesus as a teacher, friend, and healer, and the transformative power of the cross.

3/5/17 :: Temptation and Relationship with God


This sermon, delivered on the first Sunday of Lent in 2017, discusses the theme of temptation and its role in undermining our relationship with God. Drawing from the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness and the temptation in the Garden of Eden, the sermon emphasizes that sin, at its heart, is about a breakdown of a relationship. It also reassures that Jesus, our great high priest, truly understands our struggles and temptations.

2/26/17 :: Transfigured and Transformed


This sermon focuses on the concept of transformation, using biblical references from Matthew 17:2, 2 Corinthians 3:18, and Romans 12:2. It discusses the transfiguration of Jesus and how we, as believers, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. The sermon emphasizes the importance of not conforming to the world but being transformed by the renewing of our minds.