Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

5/21/17 :: Easter Sunday 2017


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the transition from Easter to the coming of the Holy Spirit. He uses a poem by Minnie Louise Haskins to illustrate the journey into the unknown, and how God's presence accompanies us. He addresses the anxieties and uncertainties we face, and reassures us of the Holy Spirit's presence in our lives.

5/16/17 :: Barbara Carron - Memorial Service


A memorial service for Barbara Carron, a beloved artist, teacher, wife, and mother. The sermon reflects on Barbara's life and creative spirit, drawing parallels between her artistic process and the act of prayer. It also emphasizes the importance of love, as seen in Barbara's relationships and her generous sharing of her artistic gift.

5/14/17 :: Journey Towards God


This sermon reflects on the 5th Sunday of Easter, Year A, 2017. It discusses the fortitude of Christians in the face of suffering, drawing on the example of Stephen's calmness and prayer in the face of death. The sermon also explores the intimate relationship between Jesus and the Father, and how Jesus is the 'Way' that enables believers to draw close to the Father.

5/14/17 :: Family and Faith


This sermon, delivered on the 5th Sunday of Easter in 2017, discusses the importance of family and community in the Church. It emphasizes the role of the Church as a family, providing spiritual nutrition and guidance, and the responsibility of the congregation in nurturing new members. The sermon also highlights the significance of the physical space of the Church, as it moves into a new location.

5/7/17 :: Journey of Faith


This sermon, given on the 4th Sunday of Easter in 2017, discusses the theme of journey. It marks the last service in St Mary’s before moving into the Parish Centre for nearly five months due to roof work. The sermon also celebrates the baptism of Zoe Groarke, symbolising the start of a lifelong journey of faith. The sermon draws parallels between the congregation's temporary displacement and the biblical stories of wandering and journeying, emphasizing that the church is not a building, but a people.

4/30/17 :: Journey from Doubt to Faith


This sermon discusses the journey from doubt to faith, using the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus as an example. It emphasizes the importance of being Christ for each other, listening to and acknowledging each other's pain, and providing encouragement and hope. The sermon concludes with the realization that Christ is always with us, even in our doubts and fears, and encourages us to be channels of his healing and peace.

4/23/17 :: Journey from Doubt to Faith


This sermon, delivered on the 3rd Sunday of Easter in 2017, explores the journey from doubt to faith, using the account of Jesus' appearance on the Road to Emmaus as a metaphor. It emphasizes the importance of honesty, listening, and understanding in our relationships with each other, and the role we can play in being 'Christ for one another' along the journey of life.

4/23/17 :: Power of Forgiveness


The sermon discusses the power of forgiveness and the ability to let go of resentments. It emphasizes the teachings of Jesus, who encouraged forgiveness and discouraged holding onto grievances. The sermon also touches on the importance of self-forgiveness and the healing power of Christ's love.