Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

7/2/17 :: Perspectives of Faith


Kevin reflects on the well-known story of Abraham and Isaac from a fresh perspective, considering Isaac's experience and emotions. He connects this to personal struggles with faith and understanding God's purpose in times of pain. The sermon emphasizes the importance of honesty before God and finding comfort in the Psalms during hardship.

6/25/17 :: Humanity and Divine Purpose


Kevin reflects on the raw humanity of Old Testament characters, emphasizing that God works through real people with their strengths and weaknesses. He draws parallels between the biblical narrative of Sarah, Hagar, and Abraham, and contemporary issues of division and reconciliation. The sermon encourages the understanding that God's purposes of unity and peace prevail, even in the face of human emotions and actions that may cause division.

6/24/17 :: The Bond of Love


In the sermon for the wedding of Peter and Deidre Kingston, Kevin speaks about the Christian dimension of marriage, reflecting on commitment, faithfulness, and love. He draws parallels between the love of Christ for the Church and the love shared between husband and wife, emphasizing selflessness and mutual support. The sermon also touches on the symbolism of wedding attire, relating it to the spiritual qualities of compassion, kindness, and patience.

6/11/17 :: Embracing Faith's Poverty


On Trinity Sunday, Kevin reflects on the importance of taking scripture seriously and approaching it with an open mind, open to fresh insights. He discusses the concept of 'poverty of faith' as a recognition that our understanding of God is always partial and provisional. The sermon emphasizes that regardless of our doubts or clarity of faith, God is with us, and we are each a focus of His love.

6/11/17 :: Understanding the Trinity


In this sermon for Trinity Sunday, Kevin draws parallels between the vastness of the cosmos and the awe-inspiring nature of God. He emphasizes that the God who created the universe is also a God who cares deeply for each individual. Through Jesus, God understands human experiences, and through the Holy Spirit, God is always present to guide and comfort us.

6/4/17 :: Pentecost 2017


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the different perceptions of the gift of the Spirit and how it empowers and inspires the life of the Church. He emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit in enabling us to grow in likeness to Jesus Christ. The sermon also includes a touching story of a young boy and a master musician, illustrating how God works with us to draw out the best in us.

6/4/17 :: Pentecost 2017


This sermon discusses the different perceptions of the gift of the Spirit and its role in enabling us to grow in likeness to Jesus Christ. Through the story of a young boy and a master musician, it illustrates how God draws out the best in us by accompanying us. It emphasizes the importance of being open to the workings of the Spirit in our lives.

5/28/17 :: Facing Evil with Faith


In the wake of the 2017 Manchester bombing, this sermon explores the question of where God is in the face of such evil. It asserts that God is not the instrument of evil but is present with those who are facing it, offering comfort and strength. The sermon also emphasizes the importance of not letting acts of terror divide us or erode our values, and highlights the power of love and light to drive out hate and darkness.