Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

11/19/17 :: Let Your Light Shine


The sermon 'Let Your Light Shine' emphasizes the importance of letting the love of God shine through us in all that we do. It draws a parallel between fireflies being recognized by their light and how people can recognize us by the light of God within us. The message encourages us to be consistent in our faith, not just on Sundays but every day, and to show which side we are on by our actions and dedication.

11/19/17 :: Building the House


Archbishop Jackson delivers a sermon on the occasion of the dedication of St Mary’s Church in Howth. He commends the parish for their respect and love for the church, and encourages them to continue their efforts. He reflects on the history of Christianity in Ireland and the heritage of the parish, urging them to claim their heritage and continue their spiritual journey. He also discusses the upcoming 150th anniversary of Disestablishment and the need for the church to avoid self-generosity.

11/12/17 :: Journey of Faithfulness


Kevin's sermon on the 3rd Sunday before Advent in 2017 emphasizes the importance of worship and communion with God. He reflects on the journey of faithfulness and failure, akin to the Exodus, and the call to be 'the salt of the earth' and 'the light of the world.' The sermon encourages self-emptying and self-offering in worship, mirroring Jesus' ministry, and stresses that our witness to faith is through both our words and actions, driven by love and care for our neighbors.

11/4/17 :: Marriage: A Lifelong Commitment


This sermon, delivered at the wedding of Matt Dixon and Jenni Scott, explores the significance of marriage as a lifelong commitment. It emphasizes the importance of cherishing each other's individuality and the need for selfless love in the relationship. The sermon also highlights the role of faith in sustaining the marriage and the importance of forgiveness and understanding.

11/1/17 :: All Saints' Reflection


Kevin reflects on the concept of sainthood, emphasizing that it is not reserved for an elite few but is a call for every Christian in their baptism. He draws from the history of the Parish of Howth and its 200-year celebration, the discovery of an ancient burial ground, and the lives of notable saints and ordinary faithful individuals. The sermon encourages us to recognize our own value and calling as saints in the Church of God, highlighting the diversity and faithfulness of the Christian community across time and culture.

10/31/17 :: All Saints Reflection


Kevin's sermon on All Saints' night at Raheny Church emphasizes the universal call to sainthood within the Christian faith. He contrasts the New Testament's inclusive definition of sainthood with the often narrow modern interpretation, reminding the congregation that all Christians are called to sainthood through baptism. The sermon also reflects on the history of the local church and the unknown faithful who have served God throughout the ages.

10/29/17 :: Journey to Holiness


Kevin reflects on the Old Testament stories from creation to the entry into the Promised Land, emphasizing the theme of holiness as an attribute of God. He highlights God's call for His people to be holy and to live out justice, kindness, and humility in their lives. The sermon underscores the timeless nature of God's presence with His people through every step of life's journey.

10/22/17 :: Journey of Grace


Kevin reflects on the concept of life as a journey in the presence of God, emphasizing the importance of grace. He draws parallels between the Israelites' journey from Mount Sinai and our own spiritual journey, highlighting God's constant presence and the call to be signs of the Kingdom. The sermon encourages us to embrace God's grace, which forgives, inspires, and strengthens us for the journey of life.