Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

12/17/17 :: Advent 3 - Year B


This sermon, delivered on the third Sunday of Advent in 2017, discusses the expectations of the coming of a Messianic figure during the time of John the Baptist. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing Christ in our daily lives and the special place of the poor and marginalized in the Kingdom of God. The sermon calls for hope, integrity, reconciliation, and compassion in a fractured world.

12/10/17 :: Hope Amidst Uncertainty


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the challenges of 2020 and the enduring hope found in faith. Drawing parallels between the hardships endured during the pandemic and the biblical exile of the Israelites, he emphasizes the importance of hope and faith during times of uncertainty. He encourages the congregation to remain vigilant and hopeful, looking forward to a time when normalcy will return.

12/4/17 :: Remembering Barbara Sargent


This sermon is a tribute to Barbara Sargent, a beloved member of the parish and community. Barbara was known for her energy, compassion, and practical faith. She was deeply involved in the life of the parish, from the choir to the Bridge Club, and she will be greatly missed. The sermon also reflects on the Christian understanding of death and the hope of eternal life.

12/3/17 :: Advent: Waiting and Watching


This sermon focuses on the contrast between the busyness of Christmas and the patience of Advent. It emphasizes the importance of attentiveness and discernment in our spiritual lives, particularly in the Advent season. The sermon also highlights the theme of Christ's presence in our lives and in others, urging us to see and serve Christ in everyone we encounter.

11/26/17 :: Generosity and Inclusion


Kevin's sermon reflects on the Archbishop's message of 'Generous Christianity' and the parable of the sheep and the goats. He emphasizes the importance of serving the poor and marginalized as a way of serving Christ, and challenges the congregation to consider the future of their worshipping community. The sermon calls for a community that embodies a 'Garland of Generosity and Inclusion' and warns against 'Self-Generosity'.

11/26/17 :: Community and Faith


Kevin discusses the challenges of living in a world burdened by anxiety and stress, focusing on the high suicide rates among young people and the fears they face. He emphasizes the importance of community and the role of the church in providing hope and support. The sermon concludes with the message of the Great Commission, urging the congregation to share the good news and engage with all communities, following Jesus' example.

11/25/17 :: Farewell to Dr Betty Robinson


This sermon is a touching tribute to Dr Betty Robinson, a woman of strength, resilience, and warmth. It highlights her life journey, her love for gardening, and her peaceful acceptance of life's inevitable end. The sermon draws parallels between the cycle of life and death and the cycle of sowing and reaping, offering comfort and hope in the promise of resurrection.

11/22/17 :: Remembering Mr. Pat Curley


This sermon is a tribute to Mr. Pat Curley, who passed away suddenly. It reflects on his life, his faith, and the impact he had on those around him. The sermon also offers comfort and support to those mourning his loss, reminding them of the enduring presence of God in times of sorrow.