Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

1/14/18 :: Following in the Footsteps of Jesus


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of discipleship, contrasting it with the modern idea of 'following' someone on social media. He emphasizes that Jesus is looking for true disciples, not just admirers, and that discipleship involves a deep commitment and a willingness to learn and grow. The sermon also highlights the idea of Jesus as a gift from God, not to be admired from a distance but to be received and followed.

1/14/18 :: Seeking and Being Sought


The sermon discusses the theme of seeking and being sought, finding and being found, in the context of the Gospel and Psalm. It emphasizes that God seeks and finds us, knowing and loving us not because of anything we do but simply because of who we are before him. The sermon also highlights the importance of realizing that we are children of God, beloved in all our strengths and failings.

1/7/18 :: Guiding Light


In this sermon, Kevin explores the theme of light as a guide in our lives, drawing parallels from his personal experience of sea fishing at night and the biblical account of the Magi following a star. He challenges us to consider what our guiding star in life is, urging us to look beyond self-interest and embody values of justice, truth, compassion, mercy, and peace in our daily lives.

1/7/18 :: Light of Christ


This sermon, given on the feast of Epiphany in 2018, reflects on the biblical passages Isaiah 60:1 and Matthew 2:1ff. It emphasizes the transformative power of baptism and the divine light that is bestowed upon the baptized. The sermon also discusses the journey of the Magi, who were guided by a star to the newborn king of the Jews.

12/31/17 :: Journey into the New Year


This sermon reflects on the transition from 2017 to 2018, discussing the uncertainties of the future and the faith in God's guidance. It highlights the challenges faced globally and locally, while also acknowledging personal triumphs and losses within the community. The sermon emphasizes the importance of trusting in God's plan, even amidst the unknown.

12/25/17 :: The Fourth Wise Man


This sermon tells the story of Arteban, the fourth wise man who was always late but for good reasons. He used his gifts, originally intended for the King, to help others in need. He saved a sick man, a baby, and a slave girl, only to realize that in doing so, he had given his gifts to the King.

12/24/17 :: Anticipation and Expectation


In this sermon, Kevin explores the anticipation and excitement that comes with the expected arrival of a child, drawing parallels with the anticipation of the coming of Christ. He discusses the emotions of expectation and excitement in the context of the Gospel reading, the account of Mary's visit to her cousin Elizabeth. The sermon also reflects on the nature of God's coming Kingdom as described in the Magnificat, highlighting its transformative power.

12/24/17 :: Who Do You Think You Are?


This sermon reflects on the identity of Jesus and how understanding him leads us to a deeper understanding of ourselves. It discusses the power of belief in Jesus, the significance of baptism, and the transformative power of God's love. The sermon encourages us to embody Christ's love in our everyday lives.