Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

11/18/18 :: The Journey of Faith


Kevin discusses the spiritual journey from Baptism to Confirmation, emphasizing the importance of personal responsibility in faith. He reflects on the presence of God in everyday life, through nature, music, and the people around us. The sermon encourages us to be living signs of Christ's presence in the world, embodying his compassion and love in our actions and interactions.

11/11/18 :: The Gift of Giving


Kevin reflects on the true essence of giving through a childhood memory and the story of the poor widow's offering at the Temple. He emphasizes that the value of a gift lies not in its size, but in the spirit of gratitude with which it is given. Whether we are givers or receivers, no act of kindness is too small, and in each, we find the presence of Jesus. Kevin urges us to honor the memory of those lost in war by being peacemakers in our daily lives.

10/28/18 :: Reflections on Lebanon


Kevin shares his experiences from a recent trip to Beirut, Lebanon, reflecting on the country's history, the impact of civil war, and the current refugee crisis. He emphasizes the unconditional love and healing presence of the Church across denominations, offering dignity to the vulnerable. The core message is about serving before preaching and showing solidarity with those who have suffered greatly.

10/21/18 :: Breaking and Remaking


Kevin discusses the concept of 'breaking and remaking' through the story of a Japanese general and the art of kintsugi, where broken pottery is repaired with silver and lacquer, embracing its history. He relates this to the Gospel's message of servanthood and the transformation through baptism, calling for a community of servants, following Christ's example of humility and service.

10/14/18 :: Harvest of Faith


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the themes of suffering and divine presence as illustrated through the story of Job. He emphasizes that while suffering can lead to feelings of isolation from God, the Christian faith offers a pathway to find meaning in God's presence. Through the death and resurrection of Christ, believers can approach God with confidence, finding grace and mercy in their time of need.

10/7/18 :: Speaking Truth to Power


Kevin reflects on the importance of speaking truth to power, drawing parallels between the brutal death of John the Baptist and the challenges Jesus faced. He recalls personal experiences with political figures during the Northern Ireland Peace process and emphasizes the church's role in proclaiming truth. The sermon reminds us of the cost of witnessing truth and the need for a clear declaration of truth in our times.

9/30/18 :: Vulnerability and Healing


Kevin explores the theme of human vulnerability and the beauty of brokenness through the story of kintsugi, the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with gold. He reflects on our need for God's presence in times of weakness and the importance of acknowledging our fragility as a step towards healing. Drawing from the lessons of Esther, James, and the Gospels, Kevin encourages embracing our brokenness as part of our journey with Christ.

9/23/18 :: Flourishing Communities


Kevin's sermon at St Mary's Church of Ireland Howth celebrates Tearfund Ireland's 10th anniversary and its vision for flourishing communities free from poverty and injustice. Drawing from biblical teachings and the work of partner churches, he inspires action towards creating a world where everyone can maintain their dignity and reach their full potential.