Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

3/17/19 :: Journey of Reconciliation


This sermon, delivered on St. Patrick's Day 2019, explores the journey of St. Patrick, from being a slave to becoming a beacon of the Gospel. It discusses how we respond when life goes wrong and emphasizes the importance of not retaliating but seeking reconciliation. The sermon also addresses the recent terrorist attack in New Zealand, condemning all forms of terrorism and urging listeners to stand alongside voices of reason and truth.

3/10/19 :: Temptation and Identity


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of temptation, using the example of Jesus in the wilderness. He discusses the struggle of being true to oneself in the face of temptation and the importance of not taking the easy option. He encourages us to be trustworthy, compassionate, and forgiving, striving to do what Jesus would do in any given situation.

3/10/19 :: Temptation and Faith


This sermon discusses the personal experience of temptation and how it relates to Christian faith and discipleship. It emphasizes the importance of free will and personal responsibility in making moral decisions. The sermon also highlights the role of faith in overcoming temptation, drawing on biblical examples of encounters with God in the wilderness.

2/24/19 :: Creation in Disarray


This sermon discusses the concept of a creation in disarray, drawing parallels between a manufacturer recalling faulty cars and the need for God's intervention in a flawed world. It emphasizes Jesus' authority over all aspects of a dysfunctional creation, as demonstrated through his miracles and healings. The sermon also explores the discomfort that can come with Jesus' presence and challenges, and the ultimate healing and restoration that follows.

2/24/19 :: Standing on Holy Ground


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of standing on 'holy ground', using the Transfiguration of Jesus as a reference point. He discusses the importance of acknowledging the mystery of Christ and the need for reflection, especially during the Lent season. The sermon also includes the celebration of a baptism, marking the beginning of a spiritual journey.

2/17/19 :: The Call of Peter


This sermon reflects on the story of Peter's call by Jesus, as told by St Luke. It explores the stages of Peter's call, from Jesus meeting him in his own territory to the transformation of a place of failure into a place of success with Jesus's presence. The sermon encourages us to venture into our 'deep places' of fear and failure, not alone, but with the presence of Christ.

2/3/19 :: The Presentation of Christ


This sermon discusses the presentation of Christ in the Temple, reflecting on the power of hymns to convey deep spiritual truths. It explores the concept of God becoming human through Jesus, experiencing all aspects of humanity, and the calling for the Church to be the Body of Christ in the world today.

1/20/19 :: Interconnectedness and Compassion


In this sermon, Kevin uses the game of Jenga as a metaphor for interconnectedness within the community. He emphasizes the importance of compassion, which he defines as the courage to see, feel, and act. He also highlights the significance of each individual's contribution to the community, likening the absence of a person to a missing block in a Jenga tower that weakens the structure.