Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

5/26/19 :: House of Grace


This sermon discusses the concept of suffering and the desire for healing. It uses the story of a man who had been sick for 38 years and his encounter with Jesus at the Pool of Bethesda as a metaphor for those who feel trapped in their situations, emphasizing the importance of presence and empathy in bringing grace into others' lives.

5/26/19 :: Facing the Future


The sermon discusses the challenges and changes faced by the church and its community, emphasizing the need for faith and adaptability. It reflects on the declining attendance, societal shifts, and the upcoming population increase in the local area. The sermon encourages the congregation to view these challenges as opportunities for growth and renewal, rather than threats.

5/26/19 :: The Healing of Easter


This sermon from Easter Sunday in 2019 focuses on the theme of healing and health. It explores the question of whether anyone would prefer sickness to health, and uses the story of Jesus healing a man at the Pool of Beth-zatha as a central narrative. The sermon emphasizes the importance of faith and the desire for healing.

5/19/19 :: Embracing Change and Love


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the importance of embracing change and loving one another. He uses the story of Peter's vision and the inclusion of Gentiles into the Christian Church as an example of how change can lead to growth and inclusivity. He emphasizes that love, particularly Christ-like love, should be the guiding principle in our interactions with others.

5/12/19 :: Baptism and Faith Journey


This sermon, delivered on the 4th Sunday of Easter in 2019, discusses the baptism of two children, Frederick and Sebastian Black. The sermon reflects on the journey of faith, the role of parents and the church in nurturing and guiding the children in their spiritual growth. It emphasizes the importance of living out the teachings of Christ in everyday life.

4/28/19 :: Scars of Sacrifice


This sermon reflects on the scars of Christ and the scars we bear in our own lives. It discusses the anger and pain caused by tragic events in Sri Lanka and the death of journalist Lyra McKee in Derry. It emphasizes the importance of forgiveness, healing, and reconciliation, and the role of the Church in facilitating these processes.

4/21/19 :: Easter Day 2019


This sermon reflects on the profound transformation that Mary and the disciples experienced upon encountering the risen Jesus. It emphasizes the unexpected ways in which Christ comes to us, offering hope, forgiveness, and peace in our moments of sorrow, weakness, and confusion. The sermon encourages us to be open to seeing Christ's presence in others and to serve as channels of His presence.

4/21/19 :: Easter Day 2019


On Easter Day 2019, Kevin reflects on the profound transformation of Mary and the disciples after encountering the risen Jesus. He emphasizes that the risen Christ comes to us in unexpected ways, offering hope, forgiveness, and peace in our moments of sorrow, weakness, and confusion. He encourages us to be open to Christ's presence in others and to serve as channels of His presence.