Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

6/30/19 :: Journey of Faith


This sermon discusses the concept of life as a journey, whether it be for pleasure, work, or desperation. It emphasizes the importance of having a plan, trustworthy companions, and faith in God. The sermon also highlights the baptism of two children, marking the beginning of their spiritual journey.

6/23/19 :: When God Seems Absent


This sermon discusses the feeling of abandonment by God, especially during times of hardship and suffering. It draws from the experiences of Elijah and a Jewish Rabbi, Harold Kushner, to illustrate that God's presence is often felt not in the spectacular, but in the quiet and in the midst of trauma. The sermon encourages believers to be instruments of God's presence in the lives of others, especially during their darkest times.

6/16/19 :: Trinity Sunday 2019


On Trinity Sunday 2019, Kevin discusses the concept of God as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He emphasizes the importance of understanding God not just as a creator, but as a being in a relationship with us. He also highlights the importance of living in harmony with our creator and the world he created.

6/9/19 :: Pentecost 2019 - Family Service


This sermon discusses the role of the Holy Spirit in enabling and empowering individuals, drawing parallels with how mentors and teachers help to bring out the best in their students. It uses the story of a young boy's musical journey to illustrate how God works within us, drawing out our potential and helping us to reflect His glory. The sermon concludes with a reminder of our ultimate goal to become more like Jesus Christ.

6/9/19 :: Pentecost 2019


In this sermon, Kevin explores the different perceptions of the Holy Spirit and its role in our lives. He emphasizes the Spirit's enabling power to help us grow in likeness to Jesus Christ. Through the story of a young boy and a master musician, Kevin illustrates how the Holy Spirit, like the master musician, draws out the best in us.

6/2/19 :: Unified in Christ


In this sermon, Kevin explores the deep unity and oneness that Jesus prayed for in John 17.20-26. He emphasizes the unity and love that should exist among believers, reflecting the unity and love between the Father and the Son. Kevin also highlights the importance of the world knowing that the Father sent Jesus, and the transformative power of His love.

6/2/19 :: Unity for a Purpose


This sermon emphasizes the importance of unity in the church community, not for its own sake, but for the sake of the world beyond the church doors. It draws on the teachings of William Temple and the words of Jesus, stressing that the church exists for the benefit of those who are not its members. The sermon also highlights the need for a unity of purpose as the church navigates a rapidly changing society.

5/29/19 :: Remembering Audrey Jermyn


This sermon is a tribute to Audrey Dickson (Jermyn), who lived a life full of vitality and faith. Audrey was a beloved member of the Howth Presbyterian Church, who served her community with compassion and practicality. Her sudden passing left a deep void, but her life and faith serve as an inspiration for all. The sermon also reflects on the rhythm of life and our own mortality, encouraging us to live in service of others and God.