Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

11/24/19 :: Identity in Christ


Kevin's sermon focuses on the theme of identity, as marked by the sign of the cross in baptism, and how it shapes our lives and responsibilities. He draws parallels between the identity given to us through Christ and the identity markers in our world, such as a dog's microchip. Kevin emphasizes the importance of embodying Christ in the world, serving others, and being Christ's hands, feet, and eyes on Earth, as inspired by Teresa of Avila.

11/24/19 :: Journey of Honesty


This sermon, delivered on the 5th Sunday before Advent in 2019, explores the themes of honesty, self-reflection, and new beginnings. Referencing the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, it emphasizes the importance of recognizing our own faults and seeking forgiveness. The sermon concludes with the hopeful message of God's unending love and mercy, and the possibility of redemption and new beginnings.

11/24/19 :: Seeking Truth Amidst Chaos


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the importance of discerning truth amidst the chaos of political campaigns and social media. Drawing parallels between the 1st century Jerusalem and the 21st century, he emphasizes the need for critical thinking, educating our conscience, and standing firm for truth. He also highlights the role of the Church in testifying to the truth and addressing issues of justice and reconciliation.

11/10/19 :: The Mystery of God's Love


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of questioning and seeking understanding in the face of life's challenges. He discusses the importance of acknowledging our limitations in understanding God and the value of faith in the face of uncertainty. He encourages us to embrace the mystery of God's love and to open our hearts to the transformative power of faith.

11/10/19 :: Belonging and Love


Kevin's sermon on the 3rd Sunday before Advent in 2019 focuses on the themes of belonging, love, and the importance of community. He reflects on the assembly by 4th class on friendship and loneliness, and connects these ideas to Jesus' teachings on loving God and our neighbors. The sermon emphasizes the message of 'Little children, love one another,' as the core of Christian life and the expression of our belonging to God and each other.

10/27/19 :: Journey of Faith


The sermon reflects on the Christian journey from baptism to the end of life, using the metaphor of a race. It emphasizes the importance of living as a disciple of Christ, fighting the good fight, and keeping the faith. The sermon also highlights the significance of baptism as the starting point of this journey, with a special focus on baby Tadhg's baptism.

10/27/19 :: New Beginnings and Humility


Kevin reflects on the theme of new beginnings, drawing inspiration from the words of Queen Elizabeth and President McAleese, and the parables of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, and the Prodigal Son. The sermon emphasizes the importance of honesty, self-reflection, and the mercy of God, who welcomes us back with open arms, encouraging us to walk humbly and seek forgiveness.

10/20/19 :: New Beginnings and Redemption


Kevin's sermon on Proper 24, Year C, focuses on the theme of new beginnings, anchored in the biblical narrative of redemption. He reflects on the need for honesty about the past and a resolve to change, drawing parallels between personal and communal transformation. The sermon emphasizes the new covenant written on the heart, as prophesied by Jeremiah, and the transformative power of Christ's incarnation, death, and resurrection.