Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

2/12/20 :: Funeral of Mrs Frances Mary Smeed


This sermon was given at the funeral of Mrs Frances Mary Smeed on 12th February 2020. It is a tribute to her long, graciously lived life and the ways in which she touched and enriched the lives of those around her. The sermon also offers comfort and support to her family, reminding them of the enduring nature of love and the hope found in the cycle of death and resurrection.

2/2/20 :: Presentation of Christ in the Temple


This sermon reflects on the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple. It contrasts the inhumanity of Auschwitz with the humanity as God intended, as seen in the person of Jesus. The sermon warns against the dangers of racism, sectarianism, and populism, and calls for the Gospel's message of righteousness and reconciliation to heal a broken world.

1/31/20 :: Sheila Morrison's Funeral


This sermon was given at the funeral of Mrs. Sheila Morrison, a remarkable lady known for her resilience, zest for life, humor, and kindness. She was a longstanding and faithful member of the parish, who embraced modern technology and lived life to the fullest. The sermon reflects on her life, her love for her family, and her faith in God.

1/19/20 :: The Value of Service


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on his recent experiences of being on the receiving end of care and service. He discusses the importance of learning to receive, the power dynamics in service, and the need for stepping back and reflecting on life. He emphasizes that we are not indispensable and that God is found in all those who call on Christ as Lord.

12/8/19 :: Truth in Scripture


This sermon focuses on the theme of 'Truth' as depicted in various verses of the Bible. It explores the concept of truth in relation to God, salvation, wisdom, and the Spirit of truth. The sermon also addresses the distortion of truth and the importance of speaking the truth in love for spiritual growth.

12/4/19 :: Remembering Wesley Bell


This sermon was given at the funeral of Wesley Bell, a beloved member of the community. The sermon reflects on Wesley's life, his love for teaching, and his strong moral compass. It also acknowledges his imperfections, making him a relatable and human figure. The sermon ends with a prayer for peace for Wesley's family.

12/1/19 :: Advent Anticipation


In this sermon, Kevin uses the metaphor of budding trees in winter to discuss the anticipation of Advent. He reminds us of the promise of new life and growth, even in the bleakest times. Drawing from the scriptures, he highlights the significance of the fig tree as a symbol of God's provision and the richness of His word.

12/1/19 :: Symbolism of Figs in Bible


This sermon explores the symbolism of figs in the Bible, from their first appearance in the Garden of Eden to their representation of Israel's spiritual and physical health. The sermon also discusses how figs symbolize prosperity, wellbeing, and security, and how their flourishing in modern-day Israel could be seen as a Messianic sign.