Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

8/2/20 :: Grace in Small Offerings


Kevin reflects on the transformative power of small, seemingly inconsequential acts of faith, using the story of a New York parish revitalized by a simple offer of tasty, affordable lunches. He draws parallels to the biblical feeding of the five thousand, emphasizing that Jesus used what little resources were available to meet the needs of many. The sermon encourages us to offer our own small acts of service and love, trusting in God's grace to magnify their impact.

7/26/20 :: Lessons Amidst Adversity


Kevin reflects on the notion that 'all things work together for good for those who love God' from Romans 8:28, sharing a personal anecdote to illustrate the point. He challenges the idea of a God who inflicts suffering, instead emphasizing a God who is present in our struggles. The sermon also draws lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic, urging us to appreciate the value of time, presence, and gratitude.

7/12/20 :: The Parable of the Sower


Kevin reflects on the Parable of the Sower, drawing parallels between gardening and nurturing one's faith. He emphasizes the importance of preparing oneself as fertile soil for God's teachings, finding stillness, and embracing the scriptures. The sermon encourages confidence in God's purposes, highlighting the potential for a bountiful spiritual harvest despite challenges.

7/12/20 :: Cultivating Faith


Kevin reflects on the importance of preparing oneself for spiritual growth, likening it to cultivating a vegetable patch. He emphasizes the need for personal effort in nurturing one's faith, drawing parallels between gardening and spiritual practices. The sermon encourages listeners to be receptive to God's teachings and to invest time in prayer and reflection to foster a deeper connection with the divine.

6/21/20 :: Navigating Life's Mists


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the challenges of navigating through life's uncertainties, likening it to walking in a misty bogland without landmarks. He emphasizes the importance of faith in Christ as a compass in a disoriented world, drawing from the teachings of John Stott and the example of the cross. The sermon encourages the community to live by the cross, bearing witness to Christ's love and discipline in a confusing world.

6/21/20 :: Radical Loyalty to Jesus


Kevin's sermon explores the radical loyalty to Jesus that should inform and underline our other commitments. He discusses the challenges of living in accordance with Jesus' teachings, especially when they conflict with familial and societal expectations. The sermon emphasizes the support and companionship Jesus offers on our spiritual journey, encouraging us to approach the throne of grace with boldness.

6/14/20 :: Kingdom of Heaven's Call


Kevin reflects on the process of learning to ride a bicycle as a metaphor for discipleship and following Jesus. He draws parallels between the disciples' journey and our own, emphasizing the call to be agents of God's healing and reconciliation in a world marked by racial injustice and division. The sermon encourages us to be witnesses to truth, justice, love, and reconciliation, following the example set by Jesus.

6/7/20 :: Understanding the Trinity


Kevin's sermon on Trinity Sunday explores the vastness of the universe and the intimate care of God. He uses the scale of the solar system to illustrate God's greatness and the variety of creation. He emphasizes that God, who created everything, also understands and cares for each individual, as seen in the life of Jesus and the presence of the Holy Spirit.