Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

10/18/20 :: Christian Citizenship


The sermon discusses the balance between Christian citizenship and secular authority, referencing Jesus' teaching on paying taxes to Caesar and the apostle Paul's guidance on respecting governing authorities. It emphasizes the Christian's duty to contribute to societal wellbeing while maintaining allegiance to God's kingdom, and the unique identity as God's image bearers.

10/11/20 :: The Great Banquet


Kevin reflects on the Parable of the Great Banquet, emphasizing the themes of thankfulness and the pain of ingratitude. He draws parallels between the parable and our own experiences of being taken for granted. The sermon concludes with a call to respond to God's invitation to be part of His kingdom, to offer ourselves in love and service, and to live to His praise and glory.

10/11/20 :: Finding Peace in Troubles


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the passages from Paul's Letter to the Philippians, emphasizing the message of rejoicing and finding peace amidst life's difficulties. He discusses the challenges faced by individuals and businesses during the pandemic and relates personal stories of struggle and the realization that it is okay to express one's feelings of anger and loneliness. Kevin assures us that we are heard, not alone, and that God walks with us, offering peace that surpasses all understanding.

9/27/20 :: Imitation Beyond Externals


Kevin's sermon on Proper 21 of Year A emphasizes the call to embody the mindset of Christ Jesus, as stated in Philippians 2:5. He draws parallels between fans emulating their favorite characters and Christians imitating Christ, highlighting that true imitation involves a deep conversion of heart and mind. In times of pandemic and societal division, Kevin urges solidarity and service, inspired by the example of Christ and the teachings of St. Francis.

9/20/20 :: The Injustice of Grace


Kevin's sermon explores the radical nature of forgiveness and the concept of grace as an unearned gift from God. Reflecting on the Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard, he challenges the idea of merit and the human tendency to judge others. The core message is that grace is not a reward for good behavior but a divine gift, and as a community, we should honor and build each other up without passing judgment.

9/13/20 :: The Heart of Forgiveness


Kevin's sermon on Proper 19, Year A, reflects on the complexities of forgiveness, using examples from Northern Ireland's reconciliation efforts and the biblical story of the Unmerciful Servant. He emphasizes that forgiveness is not about keeping score but a matter of the heart, requiring inner healing and a recognition of our own forgiven status through Jesus.

9/10/20 :: Funeral of Mr Patrick Reilly


This sermon was delivered during the funeral of Mr. Patrick Reilly, a beloved family man, husband, father, and grandfather. The sermon reflects on the suddenness of his death, the memories shared by his family, and the Christian faith's perspective on death and life. It offers comfort, strength, and hope in the face of loss.

9/1/20 :: New Beginnings


In this sermon, Kevin welcomes everyone to the new school year at Burrow School, especially the new Junior Infant Class. He acknowledges the fear and excitement that come with new experiences and assures the students that they are not alone. He uses a personal anecdote about a parachute jump to illustrate this point. Kevin also acknowledges the challenges posed by Covid-19 and emphasizes the importance of taking care of each other.