Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

12/20/20 :: Anticipation and Excitement


In this sermon, Kevin explores the anticipation and excitement that comes with the expected arrival of a child, drawing parallels with the anticipation of Christmas and the birth of Jesus. He reflects on the Magnificat and its message of God's mercy and the overturning of worldly hierarchies. He calls on the congregation to offer a different vision in the face of despair and division, to be instruments of reconciliation.

12/13/20 :: Signposts in Life


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the importance of signposts in life, both literal and metaphorical. He talks about the people who have acted as signposts in his life, guiding him in his faith and personal development. He also emphasizes the role of parents and godparents as signposts in a child's life, guiding them in their faith and personal development. Finally, he uses the story of John the Baptist to remind us of our role as signposts, pointing others to Jesus.

12/13/20 :: The Unknown Christ


In this sermon, the speaker reflects on the unknown Christ, who is present yet elusive, infinite yet intimate. Drawing from the words of John the Baptist, the speaker encourages us to seek Christ in the unexpected, in service, and in each other. As we approach Christmas, we are reminded to recognize Christ in the marginalized and in our shared worship.

12/6/20 :: Advent 2020: Emerging from Darkness


This sermon reflects on the hardships of 2020 and draws parallels with the biblical theme of emerging from a time of suffering and uncertainty. It emphasizes the importance of hope, anticipation, and preparation for the coming of Christ. The sermon also encourages the congregation to live in the light of hope, even amidst the ongoing challenges.

11/29/20 :: Virtual Assembly - November 2020


Kevin addresses the Burrow School community in a virtual assembly, acknowledging the challenges faced during the pandemic and the things they've missed out on. He expresses his anticipation for the new classrooms to replace the prefabs next year. Despite the changes to the usual Christmas celebrations, he reminds everyone of the true meaning of Christmas and encourages them to enjoy the lead up to the holiday.

11/15/20 :: The Eagle's True Potential


Kevin's sermon, based on the Parable of the Talents, encourages us to recognize and celebrate our God-given talents. He uses the story of an eagle raised among chickens to illustrate the importance of understanding our true potential. By embracing and using our gifts, we can serve others and honor God's gifts to us, including the ultimate gift of His Son.

11/15/20 :: Treasures of the Church


Kevin's sermon reflects on the true treasures of the Church, drawing parallels between the story of St. Lawrence and the Parable of the Talents. He emphasizes the importance of community, interdependence, and using our gifts in service to God. The sermon encourages us to see each other as treasures of the Church, to support and uplift one another, and to live out the Gospel in our daily lives.

10/25/20 :: Love and Service


In this sermon, Kevin draws parallels between political campaigns and the challenges Jesus faced from authorities. He emphasizes the greatest commandments: to love God and love our neighbor, as reflected in Jesus' teachings and actions. The sermon concludes with a call to embody these commandments through loving, self-giving service, inspired by Jesus washing the disciples' feet.